Do the Sussexes "Regret" Getting Married to Each Other?
The other day, I was scrolling through Quora and came across this question: DO YOU THINK PRINCE HARRY REGRETS MARRYING MEGHAN MARKLE? It was very eye-opening for me, especially after I read some of the responses.
One of them read in part:
"WOW what an actress! she sure missed her calling!!! All I can say is…Lady leave Harry and the kids, let them go back to his family and you go on your little merry way back to Hollywood, you homewrecker golddigger! 🤮 you make me sick. You and Oprah are so phony"
I thought, "wow, did I not write this post just a couple of weeks ago?" So, it is not that I did not suspect this was the intention. I am sadly not wrong about the intentions of a lot of these malicious people. I am not wrong in thinking that Meghan and Harry's marriage could be at risk. This is why I have insisted so earnestly, that Meghan pay extra attention to nurturing her marriage and her husband, and letting him know that he is not only loved, he is needed. And keeping a slightly lower profile. High-profile marriages that have a lot of public attention on them, rarely last. I can only pray that Meghan is smart enough to realize this and take necessary countermeasures to protect her marriage. I mean, look at Piers Morgan. Even his marriage remains private!
Unfortunately, it is even worse than just their marriage. It seems not only do the haters have the nefarious intention of forcing a divorce by sowing enough discord and confusion and hatred and harassment onto these people to bring about this divorce, but they also want to divest Meghan of her children. Meghan has to be very careful with both these aspects of the public vitriol and hatred against her. They are gunning not only for her husband but also for her children. Maybe in particular her children because they suspect that would cause her even greater pain than losing Harry. They salivate for the day when another woman of whom they approve due to her membership in a group or groups of their approval (race, pedigree, etc) is photographed with Harry and Meghan's children.
Meghan has to hang on to her marriage come hell or high-water till her kids are over 18 years old. She cannot fall into this trap of divorce, child custody wars, and Harry bringing another woman into this. It will be way too much for dear Meghan.
Of course, there are some risks brought on within the couple itself. For example, Meghan's strong views on feminism and gender equality could unwittingly put her own marriage at risk as I noted in this post Could the Duchess' Ambition and Push for "Gender Equality" Affect her Marriage to Harry Duke of Sussex? ( She really has to be careful. It's a bartering idea. She has to give up some things for the bigger win. She has to win the war and not just tiny battles along the way.
That said, there is no question that the biggest risk to their marriage right now is coming from the outside and the "all hands on deck" international effort to bring that marriage down. It is a completely toxic environment that has been created around these human beings. That is why I suggested that she took a leaf out of Camilla Parker Bowles' playbook. Camilla is very clever and she played the media and public like a violin and now she is queen and she has not only her children but Diana's children and grandchildren as well. And people applaud her for it, and pant to see her crowned their queen, despite all that she did to help bring the marriage between Charles and Diana down.
But, I digressed a bit. This is about this question of "regret" and whether Harry regrets marrying Meghan. As I noted in several posts, Harry probably does feel some sense of responsibility for the public flogging of his wife. In his most quiet moments, he would be a liar to say that he has never wondered if the whole thing wasn't a mistake. For Meghan's sake. Because she had a good life before him. She had a job as an actor and while she was not Angelina Jolie, she was doing okay. She had her blog and that was doing okay. She had her philanthropic work and that was going okay. She was thriving. There were no awful hashtags calling her every demonic name under the sun. She was doing her yoga and just living life to the hilt. All that changed after he started dating her. Is she happier today than she was before they met? In some ways probably, but in other ways, probably not. And Harry thinks about how he contributed to that, for sure.
On Meghan's side, the same is true. Of course, that question was not posed on Quora. Nobody even contemplates a scenario where Meghan, too, could have regrets about marrying a "prince." However, in her quietest moments, it is natural that she might question whether they did the right thing by getting married to each other. It is not that she could not have gotten another man. She is gorgeous, intelligent, talented, and Ambitious. She could have gotten the best of them, and did. But because her husband's profile is sooooo very high, she does wonder to herself sometimes if it would have been better if she had settled for someone a little less high-profile.
But at the end of the day, neither Harry nor Meghan "regret" meeting each other, falling in love with each other, getting married to each other, and starting their beautiful family together. It comes at a high price and to both of them, the price is worth what they have together. They just need to stay focused on nurturing their marriage and being each other's best friend. When they are with each other, it should be the place of the greatest peace and tranquility, where they both exhale. This is the key to thwarting the intentions of these malicious people in the press and public.
Image credit flickr creative commons
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