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Thomas Markle Restraining Order Has Left Meghan Feeling...

 How Does Meghan Markle feel about the fact that her dad Thomas was slapped with a restraining order by an LA judge?

The restraining order, which will be in place for two years, was sought by Markle's former associate who he had contracted with regarding photos for a tabloid. Thomas claimed that the tabloid owner, Jeff Rayner, the owner of Coleman-Rayner violated a contract the two had signed. 

Thomas Markle apparently made some threats against Mr. Rayner which Rayner took very seriously. The threats were made in a book written by Tom Boyer: Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the War Between The Windsors

In the book, the 78-year-old is quoted as saying, "I got screwed by Rayner and I'm going to find a way to screw him over before I die. I want to tear him down. If they tell me I've got terminal cancer, then I'll kill him because I have nothing to lose."

Rayner took this threat very seriously and sought court intervention to protect himself against a livid Thomas Markle.

What does Meghan think about all of this? Honestly, she tries to avoid thinking about it. This is what I think. She has so much more to think about that she cannot worry about this restraining order against her father. She hopes he will not violate the restraining order by making more threats, of course. But she cannot control what her father says or does.

And to be honest, she wishes, on a certain level, she could take out a restraining order against some people as well. She has a lot of harassers and people bringing frivolous lawsuits and harassing her online and making her life a living hell. And it may not just be family members who can sue Meghan. Meghan may be starting to wonder if she can sue family members. 

It could also be the mechanisms by which these harassers are allowed to continue to harass. She may be wondering how to go after the jugular to stop some of this. For example, on social media, to what extent are the owners of these sites accountable to Meghan for the emotional distress she endures on a daily basis? The fact that she is a public figure does not mean she ceases to be a human being.

image credit flickr creative commons
