The other day, I read somewhere that Prince Harry was quoted as saying that sometimes he has burnout as a husband and a dad. I was not sure if I should have interpreted that literally, or if he was just trying to make a point while advocating as Chief Impact Officer for Better Up. But let's assume he meant it literally. Is he feeling burnout? I would not be surprised, but I would be a little bit concerned. A lot concerned, actually, on many different levels. Obviously, I would be concerned for his physical well-being. A bad case of burnout can be really bad and last for years on end. A person can just stop functioning, and be totally unable to do anything at all when the burnout is at its worse. A mild case could last a few weeks and the person could bounce back and restart their usual activities before long. And, of course, there are all the mental and psychological implications that go with that. But on another level, I worry for Harry and Meghan as a couple. I am picking ...
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