Harry, Meghan and the "Fab Four" Brand: What Can They and the Prince and Princess of Wales Accomplish Together?
The Fab Four: Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex Can Work Together for Good The Fab Four Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the Prince and Princess of Wales wowed the world during the mourning of Queen Elizabeth by making a joint, unannounced appearance in Windsor. Most people were pleased to see them and some in the media immediately dubbed them the "Fab Four". This endearing moniker had been given to the four originally, and for about the first six months of Meghan's appearance on the scene, things did indeed look fabulous between the two brothers and their wives. But very quickly, everything soured. The two women were pitted against each other in the press with the Princess of Wales always given the honours, compliments and wins while Meghan was portrayed as the second coming of Satan. At one point, it was also falsely claimed that Meghan had reduced her sister in law Kate Middleton to tears, when in fact, it was the complete opposite. Meghan ...