Meghan is not the archetype of what a British Princess Is If ever there was a poster girl British princess, Meghan Markle obviously is not it. First of all, she is not British. But second of all, it's the optics. The quintessential British princesses have simply not looked like Meghan Markle. She definitely is not the "archetype." They are totally different in hair type, for one thing, and for a princess, hair is very important. I love Meghan's hair and I am sure Meghan loves her hair, but even in my circles, which are diverse, I have heard people criticizing Meghan's hair. They find it lacking in comparison to theirs, or to other British princesses. It is a phenomenon I find utterly bewildering. Because some of these people are my friends. And my hair is not the type of hair that is valued in society. My hair does not compare to Meghan's hair. So, when my friends diss Meghan's hair which is so long, lush, and beautiful from my perspective, I can't ...
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