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5 Great Product Collaboration Ideas for Meghan Markle That Will Get Her Enemies Talking

Meghan Can Collaborate With Brands When Jennifer Lopez started to do collaborations with different brands at the beginning of her career, even people like Gwyneth Paltrow seemed to sneer. Now, Gywneth not only endorses products, but she has also created an empire called Goop that makes the products herself. Meghan Markle seems to be heading in the same direction. She reportedly is looking to buy a winery in Napa and there are undoubtedly other ventures she is considering.  How about these 5 collaborations that will get everyone talking even more about Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, and her husband Harry the Duke of Sussex: 1. House paint and Wallpaper If Meghan collaborated with a company that makes paint and wallpaper her detractors will probably accuse the company of environmental abuses. But it is unlikely that Meghan will put her name on anything that is not organic and vegan and healthy and pure. And this would be a good product because she has a huge chateau in Montecito. No doub