"One plane crash away from throne" Should Meghan Bring a Defamation Suit Against Woman Who Claim That She Said That?
Are Youtubers Defaming the Duchess of Sussex? Should She Sue for Defamation? So there are all these Youtube videos and Youtubers running this story about Duchess Meghan. They claim there is a recording of Meghan saying that she and Harry are "one plane crash away from the throne." How callous and calculating that all sounds, doesn't it? It makes Meghan come off as a monster. Does this type of story cause injury and damage to Meghan? I think so. The accusation that Meghan said she and Harry are "one plane crash away from the throne" is both libelous (written on blogs) and slanderous (spoken in videos) if she never said that. This lie is being written on blogs and it is being repeated on Youtube videos and everyone is acting as if it is true. This is terrible. It is a terrible thing to think and it is a terrible thing to say and if Meghan really said this, if there really is a recording, it would be breathtakingly awful to find out that she is capable of these u...