So, the other day, Duchess Meghan Markle was seen in her hometown of Montecito in a green jumpsuit reportedly by designer Malia Mills, a NYC high end newbie designer. And everybody seems to have an opinion about it. One woman said that Meghan did the "pap walk" to distract from her polarizing comments about her stint on the game show Deal or No Deal two decades ago. And her conclusion was that the "pap walk" had failed as people were as disgusted as ever by the Duchess. Beyond that optimist (full sarcasm intended) other people were fixated on the jumpsuit itself. Some commented on social media that they hated the jumpsuit while others seemed to be more positive, and still others were kind of neutral. The Duchess was with a friend just taking a stroll in Montecito when the paps snapped her photo. It is true that one does not usually see Meghan walking around and getting snapped by paps. But why did they have to jump to the conclusion that she premeditated this outi...
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