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Harry, Meghan and the "Fab Four" Brand: What Can They and the Prince and Princess of Wales Accomplish Together?

The Fab Four: Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex Can Work Together for Good 

The Fab Four Duke and Duchess of Sussex and the Prince and Princess of Wales wowed the world during the mourning of Queen Elizabeth by making a joint, unannounced appearance in Windsor. Most people were pleased to see them and some in the media immediately dubbed them the "Fab Four". This endearing moniker had been given to the four originally, and for about the first six months of Meghan's appearance on the scene, things did indeed look fabulous between the two brothers and their wives.

But very quickly, everything soured. The two women were pitted against each other in the press with the Princess of Wales always given the honours, compliments and wins while Meghan was portrayed as the second coming of Satan. At one point, it was also falsely claimed that Meghan had reduced her sister in law Kate Middleton to tears, when in fact, it was the complete opposite.

Meghan was also accused of bullying the courtiers, being bridezilla and breaking palace protocols with things like her choice in stockings and her skirt lengths. There was also tiaragate where it was alleged that Meghan had unreasonably demanded to wear a certain tiara at her wedding when she was not entitled to do so given her lower royal rank.

It was not long before all talks of the Fab Four subsided. The Sussexes began to believe that someone inside Kensington Palace was tipping off the press and feeding the press with negative stories about the Duchess. Meghan called it "spreading falsehoods about us" in her Oprah interview. 

Very soon it was announced that the Fab Four would be breaking up and that Meghan and Harry would move to Frogmore Cottage in Windsor, and very soon after that, they announced they were leaving the country and continent completely and moving back across the pond to the United States.

We are now a few years post. Tempers have undoubtedly cooled a little bit. Queen Elizabeth is sadly dead and a new monarch, Harry and William's father, has been ushered in. King Charles III may undoubtedly have his issues with his son Harry. It is very likely that he harbors a deep anger towards his son for "abandoning" the royal family and moving his family to California. But in the end, this is his son. Blood is usually thicker than water. And  Harry wants to continue to have a relationship with his family.

But does Harry's desire for a relationship with his family mean that this Fab Four fantasy can be realized? It probably can! The public has shown excitement at seeing the four of them together. They are photogenic together. Very photogenic together. It would be a mistake for them to be seen too much together, of course, (it becomes stale and commonplace) but they can have an annual joint event to benefit young people in the Commonwealth. It can be a ball or some formal fundraising event that is joint, and that is hotly anticipated by the public every year.  Harry and William already have that mindset as we can see with the various concerts that they have had to celebrate their mother's birthday.

The Prince and Princess of Wales and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex can do an annual awards ball where they award a prize (maybe a full university scholarship) to a young person from one of the commonwealth countries for excellence in community service, or some other accomplishment.

That would be fabulous.

image from flicker creative commons public domain license
