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A New Book by a Royal Courtier Accuses Meghan of Asking to be Paid for a Royal Engagement in Australia in 2018. What Hypocrisy!


 A royal courtier has written a book in an effort to "blacken" the name of Meghan Duchess of Sussex. The book ridiculously claims that circa 2018, Meghan declared that she ought to be paid for a royal engagement she and her husband Harry Duke of Sussex made to Australia, or wherever down under it was.

The aim of the book is to make the Duchess seem greedy, money-grabbing, and unreasonable. The undertone of the book and the intention of the author is clearly to influence the public opinion of the Duchess in a negative way and to make her lose even more public support.

This courtier is a bloody hypocrite. This courtier knows damn well how the royal family works. He or she knows that when the royal family makes appearances on behalf of the queen, they are PAID by the Queen for their WORK. 

An article in Oprahdaily gives a very clear explanation of how the Queen and her family became one of the richest families on the face of the Earth. It was not by offering free "services."

The queen never offered free services to anyone. Each time she left Buckingham Palace or Balmoral Castle or Sandringham or Windsor or any other her other 28 properties to go shake hands or wave from a carriage, she is paid a tidy sum by the Sovereign Grant or one of the Duchies such as the Duchy of Cornwall of the Duchy of Lancaster.

Ditto for all of her children. Charles was given the billion-dollar Duchy of Cornwall so he did not need a salary. But Anne, Edward, and Andrew and their wives were PAID each time they took on a royal engagement for the Queen or the monarchy.

The nerve of this nincompoop to expect Meghan, Duchess of Sussex to be treated disparately as if she is a modern-day slave just because some of her ancestors are from Africa. If all the other members of the royal family are paid for their engagements (Charles and Camilla reportedly raked in $30 million US dollars in 2022 and Prince Andrew got an annual salary of $300,000 US dollars before he was ex-communicated) then Meghan should be paid as well. 

It is bad enough they tried to get out of paying her but now you have this courtier who is clearly lacking good faith, trying to further "blacken" this woman by selling books claiming she asked for her paycheck. As if it is a crime to ask for your paycheck when you work, considering the $10,000 quid she would have been paid pales in comparison to the hundreds of billions of dollars that the royal family has collected for dubious services rendered - with not a word of complaint and not a book written in outrage by a single, solitary soul.

What hypocrites! It almost smells.

image by flickr creative commons license

Why doesn't he write a book asking the royal family to return all the monies they received from the British people for services non-rendered over the last 800 years?
