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Is Kate Middleton Jealous of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex?

Is Kate Middleton jealous of Meghan Markle or is Meghan Markle jealous of Kate Middleton? Or are they jealous of each other? 

Jealousy is a very strong word. And it is also misused often. Clearly, Kate Middleton aka the Princes of Wales as well as the Duchess of Cornwall and Cambridge is NOT jealous of Meghan Markle because it would imply that she believes Meghan is her "rival." Kate does not view Meghan as a romantic rival and Meghan does not view Kate as a romantic rival.

 Usually, but not always, this "rivalry" involves a clash of romantic interests between three people. 

It is impossible for Kate Middleton to be romantically jealous of Meghan Markle because the two women are not in competition for the same man. William, Prince of Wales is not interested in Meghan Markle and Meghan Markle is not interested in William Prince of Wales, so there is no threat to Kate Middleton from a romantic sense, so it is clear that she is not jealous of Meghan Markle in a romantic sense. And Meghan is madly in love with Harry. So that takes care of that.

But could there still be jealousy of a certain flavor between the two women nevertheless? In our opinion, it is possible. Is it possible to feel jealousy or envy towards someone who is not a romantic threat? Apparently, it is. According to "jealousy" is defined as "a feeling of resentment, bitterness, or hostility toward someone who has something that you don't. This could be a general success, an achievement, a trait, a social advantage, a material possession, or a relationship among other things." 

Is there anything that Meghan Markle has that could make Kate Middleton feel resentment towards her? Maybe not at this time, but at the beginning of their relationship when Meghan first arrived on the scene, Meghan was the new gorgeous girl in town whereas before, Kate had that platform all to herself and Kate nearly lost her mind with jealousy when this happened. This is our honest opinion and observation. Kate nearly lost her mind.

Meghan had star quality that could not be ignored.  Kate was the one who was getting praised for her bags and dresses before Meghan came on the scene, and suddenly, Meghan exploded on the scene looking even more glamorous, cool, and laid back than Kate, and Kate got jealous, IMHO. All the attention that Meghan was getting threw Kate and her court for a loop. Before you know it, resentment and bitterness against the new girl turned to open hostility. Soon, it was all hands on deck at the palace to completely destroy the Duchess of Sussex (and it seems that this was a very successful campaign.)

There were other levels to Kate's jealousy of Meghan. Meghan has a certain je ne sais quoi that Kate does not have. Meghan is able to navigate a stage in a way that is way more compelling than Kate. Meghan appears to have achieved (rather than was handed) a successful career as an actress. She was a UN Ambassador and a spokesperson for people in countries and organizations that normally had no one to speak on their behalf -- before she met her husband, Harry Duke of Sussex. And Meghan could even do calligraphy! Have you seen Kate's handwriting?!

It was too much fabulousness for Kate to handle.

Meghan is naturally outgoing and confident, which might have seemed to Kate as qualities that gave the Duchess a social advantage by merit, rather than an advantage based on nepotism, and who one is married to.  Meghan also slid into her royal slippers (like Cinderella) after just a year or so of dating Harry whereas Kate had to wait a decade and came frighteningly close to getting passed over in the end. So there was likely some resentment that built up about that.

But in addition to this jealousy that Kate had towards Meghan, there was also a little bit of envy. Jealousy is often conflated with envy, which is described as a mixture of resentment and admiration. Kate definitely envied Meghan but in a twisted way. She also admired the California beauty. Meghan, who is a year older than Kate, has held on to her youthful good looks much longer than Kate has. While Kate who is 40 already has deep wrinkles and fissures in her face that have left her looking as old as 52, Meghan has maintained a youthful, tight appearance and thus looks nearly two decades younger than she is. A lot of people say that Meghan does not look a day older than 25. This is bound to illicit envy from women like Kate who are naturally predisposed to saggy, wrinkly skin no matter how expensive the creams they use, or how much plastic surgery they get.

The fact that Meghan is coded as "black" and yet was able to break through the class and color codes to infiltrate herself so effortlessly into the life of an aristocratic heir to the British throne was also something Kate resented because she had to take a lot of ribbing from the British aristocracy when she and William first got together. Kate is from a middle-class background and was viewed as lower-classed by her romantic rivals when she and William were courting.

The situation has changed now, though. It is our opinion that Kate is not feeling as threatened by Meghan as she was before because the Duchess of Sussex has fallen out of favor with the British public following an onslaught of gossip that was allegedly fed to the British press about her from palace insiders. The British press and that of the British commonwealth countries like Australia have been merciless in their character assassination of Meghan and her husband Harry. The couple fled the palace and high-tailed it to California just one year after their marriage. This assist has mercifully relieved Kate of the burden of this rivalry with Meghan to a significant degree.

In addition, palace insiders and advisors have obviously been working with Kate and her husband to help prepare them for the eventual takeover of the monarchy. So Kate is looking more confident these days. She and her husband are everywhere doing everything as they try to drum up good PR, while Meghan is conveniently banished to America and getting so much bad press, Kate now has the luxury of feeling "sorry" for her sister in law.

This does not mean that Kate has completely resolved her jealousy toward Meghan. Whenever the two women are photographed together, it is safe to say that the green little monsters still raise their ugly little heads and try to hijack the mood.

The good thing is that Meghan is more aware of the effect she seems to have on Kate and seems to go out of her way to dress down a little bit and allow Kate to be the star.

image credit from flickr creative commons license
