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Did Meghan Duchess of Sussex Sleep With Megyn Kelly's Husband, or Something?

 It is bewildering how much putrid hate Megyn Kelly excretes on Meghan Markle on a regular basis. Usually, when a woman spews this much "blood coming out of her wherever" at another woman, that other woman has slept with the bleeding woman's man, or has threatened to do it. 

Meghan Duchess of Sussex has never slept with Doug Brunt. Granted Doug Brunt (is that Miss Kelly's current legalized night shagger?) is hot. But, Meghan Markle's type is paler and taller than Mr. Brunt. We suspect that Megyn has nothing to worry about as Meghan Duchess of Sussex does not want her man, Mr. Brunt. Meghan's got her hands full as the entire world can see.

Usually, that should be enough to ease tensions between two women. (Diana and Camilla...)

Usually. But when, as here, it is readily apparent that Meghan Duchess of Sussex has never ever come into the same room never mind intimate physical contact with Megyn's husband, lover, or crush, then shock horror we are nonplussed as to why Megyn Kelly has fixated herself like a wood slave onto Meghan and come hell or damnation refuses to stop ripping away at this woman's tender flesh with her sharpened canine bicuspids.

What gives? What is the basis of this woman's irrational, fixated hatred against the Duchess? Is it just ratings? Is she doing this for clickbait?

When Ellen Degeneres' ex Anne Heche spectacularly crashed her car and died, people thought Ellen was a bit cold in her response when she said "I would not want this to happen to anybody."

As it turns out, Anne had been sort of shading Ellen on a podcast. And then, she smashed into the house and died, and Ellen did not cry about it.

It was sad. But it is a cautionary tale. Do not say bad things about others on podcasts because you just never know.

This is the heads up we wanted to send over to Megyn-she-had-blood-coming-out-of-her-whatever-Kelly.

Why was she fired by NBC, btw?

Anyways, what can poor Meghan Duchess of Sussex do to protect herself from these vile attacks from Megyn Kelly? Unfortunately, nothing. She just has to wait it out, remembering at all times that all dogs have their day.

Image from flickr creative commons license with attribution found at this link
