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10 Ways Meghan Markle Can Deal With The Constant Hate, Negativity and Bullying & Remain Positive


How Can Meghan Markle Deal With the Constant Hate and Bullying and Still Remain Positive?

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex has been subjected to a hellish amount of bullying since it was announced that she and Prince Harry were dating back in, circa, 2016. The British press and public in particular are unforgiving, but it is not just them. Even in America and other forward-thinking free societies where there is "liberty" and "justice" for all (and "environmentalists"), Meghan was and still is, subject to a vile amount of hate being hurled into her mental environment. Not even child molesters, World Trade Center bombers, Ponzi schemers, and Stormers of the nation's capital are being treated with this much scorn and hate. 

Yet, Duchess Meghan has bravely continued to go out and champion her causes, and make appearances, and remain stoic and graceful under fire. 

But she is only human and one has to wonder if she can continue to withstand this level of vitriol without losing her cool demure. So long as she remembers where she is and she keeps the perspective that people are what people are, she should come out of it relatively unscathed. Earth will never be "heaven". On the contrary, it is a perfect example of what hell must be like and so if Meghan keeps that in mind and never expect people to be angels, she should be just fine.  There are other things she can do to keep her sanity and her positive outlook. For example:

1. Don't read the blogs and tweets.

The less she consumes of the vile press written about her - including social media like Twitter and YouTube, the better off she will be. One has to hope that some of these authors do it for the money and not for the hate itself.  How can it be possible that any human can emit such putrid sentiments against another they have never even met? It must be for the clicks which lead to adsense revenues and so she has to forgive them. They need the money to pay their phone bills. But it does not mean that she has to expose herself to this. She can choose not to consume these epithets and instead, focus on what she is working on, continue to nurture her marriage and her family, and keep her head down so that this manure is not flung into her face.

2. Hire people to locate the epicenter of the online manure and counter it by posting positive comments

She might be clever to hire her own PR people specifically to counter the social media pot shots.  It would be a sensitive undertaking, but it might be worth it to clap back with positive comments and articles about the Duchess so that there is a balance. 

 3. Complain, and get things removed when possible.

Sometimes, obviously, lines are crossed and the Duchess should fight back when necessary. She should not let them get away with all of it. She also should hold the CEOs of the social media companies accountable for their own company ethics in allowing some of this abuse. There is free speech and then there is crossing the line, bullying, threatening, and toxicity. Google, for example, has the motto "do no harm." Arguably a lot of this material that can be found about the Duchess is doing harm to her mental and emotional health. These companies should be called out for hypocrisy when necessary.

4. Ignore them as much as possible

Duchess Meghan largely does a great job of ignoring most of this venomous trash that is flung her way - especially from her own family members. Except for her mother (and lately her father after he was silenced by an unfortunate stroke) Meghan's family has amped up the hate that is being spewed and written about her. But she has remained silent. She has never confronted her family members and this must take a tremendous amount of self-control. In one case, a half-sister is suing the Duchess for defamation. She will have to fight back in court against this and there likely will be a confrontation as both sides are deposed, interrogated, and judged. But for the moment, all communication happens through lawyers, and Meghan simply ignores the hate. Excellent. She should continue.

5. Continue to show a positive example of grace under fire

Meghan has continued to show a good example to the world, as she works with her charities, donates to causes, and speaks on behalf of others. She continues to smile even when it is difficult. She holds her chin up in the face of breathtaking negativity and verbal assaults. This is how it is done. It is called grace under fire. She epitomizes this. She is a good example for other young women who might one day find themselves in a similar position.

6. Work on her Inner Child to continue to bolster her confidence

Meghan has to continue to work on her own psyche and nurture her own inner child. She is not a stone. She is human and like all humans, she is more than her body. She is a spirit and soul as well. She must always remember to nurture the "inner aspect." This will help her to maintain her confidence and swagger through it all.

7. Spend a lot of time with family members who love her

She is not loved by all of her family members as is clear by the various attacks, assaults, and harassment she has endured from members of her so-called family. But family can be more than biology and she can create a family of her own in addition to her biological nuclear family. She has her mother, husband, and children now. And friends. She needs to nurture these relationships as much as she can (while being cautious and careful with her confidences, just in case).

8. Bring legal action against people who cross the line

Sometimes, it is necessary to bring legal action to protect your peace. There are laws about intentional infliction of emotional distress and harassment and things like that. If necessary, she should get restraining orders and other relief from the court.

9. Meditate

No one has to tell Meghan, Duchess of Sussex about mediation because she has been into that for a long time. Her mother is a yoga teacher and Meghan has been into yoga for a long time also. One of the critiques of her in Kensington Palace was that she woke up at 5:00 to do her yoga and then started sending emails to the staff like a drill sergeant right after. This is likely exaggerated but even so, Meghan's love for meditation and yoga is something that she can do more of to counter these negative attacks on her peace of mind.

10. Start an anti-bullying public interest campaign

If her foundation has the funds, she should start a social media anti-bullying campaign for young people. She certainly has a lot of experience with being bullied and so she knows that it is awful. Her situation is the most public example, but many people are bullied in all sorts of ways in their daily lives. There is a culture of bullying in society that perhaps always has been there. Heck, countries also bully countries. Spouses bully spouses, colleagues at work bully other colleagues, friends bully friends and total strangers bully total strangers. It is an epidemic. She can create a campaign or even a Netflix series or documentary about bullying. And not just for young people. For all ages. 

photo from flickr creative commons public domain license
