The Princess and Duchess of Sussex is so LUCKY!
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Princess Harry of Wales is Forever Young |
There is something altogether magical, mysterious, and magnificent about Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. And from the looks of it, she has always possessed these qualities. Even though this statement might seem counter-intuitive to some, we believe that Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is the luckiest girl alive.
Here she is, being born of humble parentage only to ascend to the closest proximity of the seat of royal and constitutional power in what was once the greatest empire on Earth--the United Kingdom. It is such a radical departure from norms that have existed for millennia, that the entire royal court (and perhaps the British government) have called for a time out. How does a person do this if not for magic or some kind of divine provenance? The entire British state (population, government and Monarchy) has taken an "all hands on deck" approach to rectify what must seem to them as utter insanity. To wit, the recent book Courtiers: The Hidden Powers Behind the Crown. The Duchess seems to have really given everyone a scare. It's pure magic.
The magic of it all is underscored by the magnificence of this woman. She, today known as Princess Harry of Wales, was born with a magnificent head of hair and the most glorious light-tanned skin. It is as if she had deliberately selected her parents Doria and Thomas to exact just the right amount of melanin from them both, so as to give her a magnificent sheen, and a natural, sunkissed glow.
But she is not lucky because she is so magical and magnificent. Indeed, the source of her luck is infinitely more mysterious and defies explanation in this media. But she has clearly been given many gifts. For example:
Her superior intellect
The Duchess of Sussex has always claimed that as a child she was an "ugly duckling." This is obviously a warped view of self, for she was never for one day ugly. She was always stunning, soft and feminine but with the intellect of a superior being who was unafraid to take a stand when others only cower. It is her intellect that has sustained her these past few years as she effortlessly navigates a world stage strewn with resentful and disgruntled folks spewing hate and vitriol.
A lesser intellectual than the Duchess would have folded up like a tent by now, and gone running home to their mother in tears. But Meghan is smart. Meghan is very smart. She knows exactly what she is dealing with and she knows exactly how to troubleshoot it and keep her head up and keep going. Hers is a superior strength that baffles her strongest, most battle-tested opponents - many of the male gender. They are stupefied as they watch her continue on with her dignified swagger while they wag their tongues and point their fingers and wish her all the worst of bodily harm they can conjure. Some just wish they could fuck her.
She is undeterred. These men and women are soft clay to her. She can do what she wants with them, and with their instigators but she is wise enough and smart enough to realize that sometimes, one has to bide one's time rather than react emotionally to irritating stimuli.
Her Beauty
Beauty is a bankable asset and the Duchess of Sussex, Princess Harry of Wales is lucky to have been blessed with an abundance of natural, god-given pulchritude. Wherever nature fell short, she was blessed with the financial resources to refine any imperfections she may have had and share her stunning, atypical beauty with the entire world.
Her beauty gives her confidence to walk into the room and stand next to Queens and Duchesses without fear of ridicule for she is many times more beautiful than they. And whether she adorns herself with jewels, frocks and high heels or ripped jeans and husband shirts, she is a breathtaking vision that transfixes the world.
Her Nuclear Family
Duchess Meghan has a beautiful and perfect family and this is further evidence of how lucky she is. Princess Harry of Wales is also lucky to have a loving mother who quietly supports her and helps her to care for her young children. Having such a beautiful family is nothing to take for granted. Not everyone is so blessed to have such perfection. Her husband, Prince Harry of Wales, is "husband goals" for millions of women in the world with spouses, boyfriends, and significant others who treat them like cow dung. These days, finding a chivalrous man who treats a woman like a lady is rare. It is rare even among the aristocratic set from which the Duchess's husband hails. So when one finds that, one is duty-bound to cherish that. How lucky is the Duchess of Sussex to have found not just a prince but her prince.
Her greatest joy in life is taking care of her beautiful family, as witnessed here: Meghan Markle Prepares for Autumn in Montecito With Her Beautiful Family (
Her Health and Wellbeing
Possessing good health and well-being is the desire of every human however many humans are not so fortunate as to possess it. The Duchess is lucky that she and her nuclear family, as well as her mother, are in good health. Her father, Thomas Markle has been a bit under the weather after suffering a debilitation stroke just before he was due to fly to England for the queen's jubilee. This was obviously tragic and sad but may have been a blessing in disguise if the rumors of what he planned to do when he go there are true. That being said, it is a sign of good fortune that the Duchess, her husband, and her two beautiful children are in such fine and radiant health at this time.
Her Gorgeous Mansion in Montecito, California
How lucky is the Duchess? Both Meghan and Harry look so much healthier in California than they ever did in England. When one compares their natural glow to the pre-mature wrinkled faces of their contemporaries in England, one can appreciate the importance of getting enough sun and vitamin D. But the stunning physical appearance of both the Duchess and her husband Harry Duke of Sussex (Prince Harry of Wales) might have something to do with not only the weather in California which indisputably is better than the weather in England but also because they have been so fortunate and blessed to have found a beautiful dream home. Their forever home is an enchanting place where magical things come to bear. There are flowers and fragrant fruit trees, pools, fountains, and views of the ocean. When they are there, they have described their home as a "joy."
To be clear, we are not saying that all that Meghan has achieved is due to her being "lucky." She has made personal choices throughout her life that have led her to where she is today. She easily could have ruined her life by getting involved in illicit activities, dropping out of school, taking drugs, being a hoochie mama on the streets of California and otherwise falling on the wayside. But she did not do any of that. She instead CHOSE to make something and someone of herself. She took her basics and she maximized them to their full potential, and then her prince came, and the rest is history.
The status that Meghan Duchess of Sussex has achieved is impressive and it is mysterious. It is as if she has been kissed by the gods. And of course, when the gods kiss you, who can stand against you?
It is for that reason that we think Meghan Duchess of Sussex is the luckiest woman in the world.
Image from flickr creative commons
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