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Piers Morgan was hurt when Meghan didn't return his texts after she met Harry: he became FURIOUS

When Piers Morgan met Meghan Markle about 5 years ago, it was at a pub reportedly, in London. He was a big-shot journalist in London, and she was an up-and-coming actress on a popular TV show called Suits. 

At that point, his celebrity was much bigger than hers so his agreeing to meet her for drinks at a pub was a BIG deal for her. He saw it as giving her the time of day, just to see what was what with the TV star from America.

So they met. And she was cute. Really cute. Maybe not the cutest chick he had ever met in his entire life, but a chick that was cute enough, it gave him ideas.

So he is sitting there, and the ideas are click-clacking in his giant head two million miles a minute. These ideas probably made Jesus blush. Because it is sure that he was not thinking about how he can get her a job at his network, or how he can help her get a part on a show or anything like that. 

I mean think about it. By all appearances, this is a red-blooded heterosexual man in his fifties and he is sitting there in a pub on a little drinks date with this TV actress. And she is hot AF. Right? And they are talking up a storm. And she is giggling up a storm and touching her hair, and taking a sip of her drink.

I mean, just picture the whole thing. In every itsy bitsy detail. So they are talking up a storm and giggling up a storm. Maybe fingers have accidentally touched...; and in her California accent, she tells him, "I'm such a big fan!" He really liked the way she spoke. He was lapping it up like a lap dog.

Giggles, giggles, giggles am going to pee on myself 😜😜

He could smell her perfume and he liked it.

And when they parted, he fully expected to see her again, very soon. Before she returned to America.

But then what happened, is the next night, she had a blind date with Harry. She did not disclose this to Piers. And why should she? She is a single woman and he is a married man and they only met for drinks. She did not owe him a daggone thing. 

Why did they meet for drinks again? 

I mean, let's turn this around: let's imagine that there was a man on Suits who was going to be in London. He watches Piers' show regularly and they exchanged hellos on social media (this apparently was the situation with Meghan). So the man goes to London and he and Piers meet for a drink at a pub.
Afterward, the man does not keep in touch with Piers. Piers leaves a few texts but the guy does not respond.

A few weeks later, Piers hears that this guy has met a royal princess and is dating Eugenie of York.

Is Piers going to be angry with this man for 5 years? Is he going to continue to lambaste and harass and stalk this man online with hateful articles, videos, posts and comments just because the guy blew him off after meeting Eugenie? Would he accuse the guy of being a "social climber"? 

I think not.

I think Piers is angry, or I should say, furious at Meghan because she wasn't interested in him despite all his celebrity and his hot shot job. She did better. Harry was single and he was a Prince. There was just no contest.  And now, hell hath no fury like Piers scorned. And, on a certain level, you can sympathize. She flirted with him, but she didn't mean anything serious. Isn't this exactly the sort of thing men do all time?. .... He does look an awful lot like her first husband Trevor when you think about it.... Maybe if she hadn't met Harry....

Poor Piers.... poor little snowflake sensitive little Piers....
