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Could Camilla Be Instigating Friction Between King Charles III and His Son Harry Duke of Sussex?

 Queen Consort Camilla Does Not Like Harry and Meghan according to rumors. Could she be instigating trouble between her husband his second son? 

This is a tough one to prove. Nobody knows what goes on at night when Camilla and King Charles III put their heads on adjoining pillows. The pillow talk is undoubtedly epic and probably has always been. Can you imagine the pillow talk they used to have in the old days when Diana was his wife and they were conducting their extramarital affair at his place in Highgrove? One blushes to imagine.

These days, Diana is long dead and forever out of the picture as far as Camilla is concerned. She has won it all, except, of course, for Harry's love. According to some insiders in the palace (giggles) there is no love lost between Camilla and Harry. When he was younger, it was different, because he did not fully understand what Camilla and Charles did to his mother. But once he grew up and really got the gist of it, he became more and more resentful, maybe even disrespectful of Camilla.

And Camilla stopped trying to win over Harry a long time ago. But until he married Meghan and turned the whole family including William and his father against himself, Camilla had to keep her mouth shut and not show Charles how much she resented his second son. This is the rumor from people in the know.

Is it true? Who knows? But the same people are alleging that Camilla does little to repair the relationship between Charles and Harry. On the contrary, she allegedly makes it worse by remaining silent when she knows the right words will sway her husband, or outright bad-mouthing Harry to his father.

The truth is that Harry's father would never have turned against his son in this way if he had not married Meghan Markle. It is not that he hates Meghan but he did not think she was good enough for his son and for the brand of the royal family. He just felt she was not royal enough and it wasn't just her black mother, even though that was jaw-dropping. It is on her father's side too. They are white but Charles felt they were not classy and aristocratic enough. It is not like her father was, say, a former President of the United States. He was a lighting director on General Hospital. And then her mother is "black." For Charles, it was just fatal. He saw nothing there that he could work with. If her mother, for example, had been a former First Lady of the United States, and then her father was what he was, a lighting director. Maybe. But he found Meghan lacking. He looked down his royal nose at Meghan.

This incensed Harry, of course.

What did Camilla do? Did she try to reason with Charles and explain that love is love? No, of course not. First of all, she too could not see past Meghan's blackness and her less than classy paternal line. It was just as jaw-dropping for her as for the rest of them. A "black" woman with a trashy family coming into the royal family? What were they all coming to? But also, and equally important according to sources, Camilla saw an opportunity to sock it to Harry. The more the relationship with his father tore apart, the more she helped it to rip apart faster. It is not very nice if it is true. It is pretty awful actually.

But she is secure in the knowledge that she now holds all the cards and all the power. She is Queen now, and there is nothing that Harry or anyone can do about it. At the same time, there is plenty she can do about Charles' relationship with his son, and she is going to make sure he does what she thinks is best, and she thinks that a Diana-loving Harry is anything but the best.

Poor Harry. He should have done like William and kissed the ground Camilla walks on.

image credit flickr creative commons

