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How Does Meghan and Harry Impact the British Financial Markets? Is it their fault that the Pound has tumbled to a 37-year Low?

 The British pound has tumbled to a 37 year low and some fear that the entire British economy is in free fall. Others would like to pin the blame of Meghan. 

Giggles....sometimes I just crack myself up. 😊

This is not Meghan's fault. To be clear, there is a lot of karma that England owes itself, the commonwealth, and the world and a lot of it is financial in nature. But to try to blame Meghan and Harry is just outrageous.

The truth is, Meghan and Harry have been treated horribly by the British Press and many in the British populous, and this could be a mistake because when the world watches what Brits are really like, and how unforgiving some of them are, there is that X factor that kicks in. And bad things start to happen.

There are other forces in our world than just what we can see. It is quite possible that those forces are fed up with the Brits. First, it was Brexit. Why in god's name did they do that? Now, it is the death of Queen Elizabeth and a King who has a consort who had had an extra-marital affair with their beloved Princess Diana.

Camilla is nice and even Harry once said "I love her to bits" and this is how most people feel about her. But it does not mean that karma is still not going to arrive. Especially when it appears that Camilla and Charles who should have been most tolerant of Meghan and Harry in light of their own history, were probably two of the most close-minded about the whole thing.

This created very bad energy.

Harry and Meghan are loved more than members of the royal family seem to realize and they should be active members of the family - even if they live part of the year in America, where, by the way, the dollar is strong and robust like the healthiest semen.


But yea, this is what it is. Bad karma. And even Queen Elizabeth, now that she is dead, knows. She was not perfect either. When you hear how she wanted to relegate Meghan to an ugly off-white dress considering all the NON VIRGINS who have gotten married in PURE WHITE in the royal family, we need to stop kidding ourselves. She, too, did not like Meghan. But who can forget the expression on her face throughout their nuptials?

But now, she knows. It was wrong of her and wrong of them to treat this child this way. And, in the air, punishment is coming for England. Penance must be paid.

So the sterling is going to continue to experience problems for a while. Then, they are going to start blaming it on King Charles III. They will say he is bad luck for the country and the monarchy will officially begin its slide to nonexistence.

But all this can be stopped. Ask for Meghan and Harry's forgiveness. Give their children their rightful royal titles. Fix the website to reflect Prince and Princess. And begin to show more love to Meghan and Harry. This is how you turn this around.

Otherwise, you are all screwed, including Prime Minister Truss who will be ousted on her posterior before she can say Guantanamo.

Did I not say that there is something magical and mysterious about Meghan? The Magic of Meghan Markle: Why the Duchess of Sussex is the LUCKIEST Girl Alive ( 

image credit from flickr creative commons
