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Meghan Refused to be Treated Like a "Black Woman" in Kensington Palace So They Dubbed Her a Bully and set out to teach her a lesson



Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is her father's daughter and the problem with that is that she does not take shit from anybody. It doesn't even matter who it heck it is.

We are not Thomas Markle fans over here but one thing we can honestly say about him is that he does not take shit and he does not give a shit. 

Unfortunately for Meghan, she has his genetics in her blood and so there are things about him that will be found in her. It is biology.

So take this situation at Kensington Palace where the courtiers were reportedly terrified of Meghan. They have come out with a book that basically trashes Meghan and calls her a "bully."

Meghan, as we have noted, is 113 pounds. She does yoga every day at 5:00. When she lived at Kensington Palace, they claim she would get up at 5:00, do her yoga, then start sending emails to her staff for stuff she wanted to be done.

This left her staff shaking and petrified that they actually had to do work!

But it was even worse. Because they saw Meghan as this "black" woman and everybody knows that that is a very loaded code. What is a "black" woman? What is a "black" man? It was old, British men who coined these codes and slapped them on millions of people, and made them stick starting back in the 17th century. They created a monolith that does not exist and got everybody to believe that people were actually "black" and "white" when they are not. Most of the people called "black" are really brown. Most of the people called white are really peach, pink, red, orange or light brown. So the colors are not about skin. Because look at Meghan. The colors are really codes. And the black code is very specific. If you have any doubt, just google the MP who was fired for calling Chancellor Kwasi Kwentang, (or is it Kwarteng?) "superficially black." I mean, WT$ does this even mean???

So, believe it. There are elements of the black code. Specific characteristics that have been imposed and indoctrinated. But not only that. There are specific ways that a person is treated in society when they are viewed as being a human upon whom this "black" code should be slapped.

And this is where things went haywire in Kensington Palace. Because they tried to slap that code on Meghan. She was expected to act a certain way, speak a certain way, accept certain types of treatment and not only shut up about it while it was happening but very importantly, KEEPING HER MOUTH SHUT ABOUT IT FOREVERMORE. She was supposed to, as Gwyneth Paltrow once said of Harvey Weinstein, "keep the secret."

Well, she was not going to be treated like a woman coded as "black" and she wasn't going to keep their secret. She demands the same respect that is accorded to all other members of the royal family, including the wives of royal men such as Kate Middleton, Princess Diana and Sophie Rhys-Jones. There is a modicum of deference that these women receive and Meghan expected the same and demanded the same. Harry knew it was totally irregular how they were treating his wife, which is why he reacted the way he did.

She wasn't going to kowtow and genuflect and twerk for their amusement. She wasn't going to be put in a box and forced into a monolith. She is an individual. Her "black" was going to be done her way, not their way and they could not handle that, so they set out to teach her a lesson. It is not new. 

Then, she began to squeal just before she and Harry bolted across the pond to Canada. They were on some kind of engagement for the Queen, and she told everyone that things were not what they seemed behind the scenes. What was behind the scenes? All sorts of horrors, apparently. Sure, there were many public displays of affection, but behind the scenes, she knew that none of these people wanted her there. They had set the media on her case, and the media set the British public on her case, and then the rest is history.

And then, there was the Oprah interview. Two "black women" squealing on what really happens in the British royal family behind closed doors, fancy parades, pomp and circumstance, and imperial train rides. Look, under the circumstances, she probably shouldn't have done the Oprah interview. The problem is, she has too much Thomas Markle in her. He does not seem like the type of man to accept abuse and nonsense and keep the secret. He doesn't care who it is. Meghan is very much her father's daughter in this way....although, we don't really know her mother Doria. Chances are, she is also a strong woman who defines herself as well.

But, yea. Meghan was not going to accept that kind of treatment. And they don't like that. When they dish it, you have to take it. And keep your mouth shut.

But boy, have they ever taught that poor girl a lesson! The latest book about her claims that she is a BULLY who left the palace courtiers - the self-described POWER behind the Crown - shaking in tears.

And even if true, even if this 113-pound yoga aficionado did indeed reduce these powerful men to snowflakes, you have to give her some respect for declining to accept that "black woman" treatment. Cause that is no fun. I wanna tell you. 

Next, What Stereotype Should Meghan Markle Discuss on Her Podcast Archetypes When She Resumes Production After Mourning Queen Elizabeth? (

image from flickr creative commons
