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BE QUIET MEGHAN!: Meghan Can Learn A LOT from Queen Consort, Camilla Parker Bowles

  BE QUIET, MEGHAN! If we could advise Meghan, Duchess of Sussex about how to survive this improbable journey she has been on for the past 5 years or so with the British Royal Family and the global press, we would tell her to be QUIET and look at all the videos she can find about Queen Consort Camilla, née Camilla Shand Parker Bowles.  Camilla is a textbook case of survival against all odds by someone who entered the British Royal family and was loathed and derided for years by the British people and the press. After years of being the most hated woman in England, Camilla who strategized and held fast is now the fucking queen of this same country, and people LOVE her for it. Meghan will probably never be loved as much as Camilla. But if she is clever, she can definitely turn around the situation to a point where it is completely livable and palatable for her. She has to remember she is being hazed and roasted as have many before her, including Princess Diana, Camilla Parker Bowles, and

Could Camilla Be Instigating Friction Between King Charles III and His Son Harry Duke of Sussex?

 Queen Consort Camilla Does Not Like Harry and Meghan according to rumors. Could she be instigating trouble between her husband his second son?  This is a tough one to prove. Nobody knows what goes on at night when Camilla and King Charles III put their heads on adjoining pillows. The pillow talk is undoubtedly epic and probably has always been. Can you imagine the pillow talk they used to have in the old days when Diana was his wife and they were conducting their extramarital affair at his place in Highgrove? One blushes to imagine. These days, Diana is long dead and forever out of the picture as far as Camilla is concerned. She has won it all, except, of course, for Harry's love. According to some insiders in the palace (giggles) there is no love lost between Camilla and Harry. When he was younger, it was different, because he did not fully understand what Camilla and Charles did to his mother. But once he grew up and really got the gist of it, he became more and more resentful,

Camilla Queen Consort Flies to India Without Charles for Help With Dealing With Harry's Book Reveals

Is Queen Camilla Experiencing Anticipatory Burnout because of Prince Harry's Book?  Why did Camilla go to an Indian spa alone, without Charles, just a few weeks after he becomes the oldest monarch to accede to the British throne? It is very, very interesting that she felt she needed time away from her husband at this specific and particular time, isn't it? Very interesting. Is it that she is burntout by all the festivities? Or is it to prepare her body for the onslaught to come, and the family dramas to come, from Prince Harry's memoirs?  According to press reports, the Queen consort is at a spa called S oukya Holistic Health Center which is near Bangalore, India. She is there  to get help with detoxing, de-stressing, and rejuvenating herself. At this holistic spa, h er mind, body, and spirit were refreshed and renewed by a Harvard-trained specialist. She gets to eat local food and enjoy yoga, massages, and meditation. She even visited a tree she had planted, according to t

Will Harry and Meghan Attend King Charles III's Coronation on May 6 2023?

 Are Harry and Meghan Going to King Charles' Coronation There is a lot of speculation about whether Harry Duke of Sussex and his wife Meghan, Duchess of Sussex will attend his father King Charles III's coronation next year. And there has also been speculation about whether the King will ban Harry and Meghan from his coronation. A lot of the controversy comes from Harry's hotly-anticipated memoirs in which it is alleged that he has thrown his stepmother Camilla Queen Consort under the bus. Many in the media are saying that indeed he has and there have been weeks of reporting that he has been desperately trying to edit the book now that the queen has died. In fact, right after Hary and Meghan returned to California following their attendance at the Queen's funeral, Harry's memoir has been the biggest story in town. There seems to be a consensus that if Harry indeed threw his stepmother under the bus in his memoir, his father will ban him from the coronation. This begs

Harry's Memoir to be released on January 10, 2023!

  According to the New York Times, and Page Six, Prince Harry's memoir will be released by Penguin Random House on January 10 2023. Now we can all wait with bated breath to get our grubby little paws on it. Many people expect the prince to trash his family - especially Camilla, his stepmother.  It would not come as a big shock if Harry felt a little bit negative about Camilla. After all, look what Camilla did to Harry's mother, Diana, who was a quintessential British princess . It was not fabulous. It is unclear whether the Duke and his father's second wife get along in light of the checkered past. And there are questions about whether Camilla was doing enough to heal the rift between Harry and Charles, to wit:  Could Camilla Be Instigating Friction Between King Charles III and His Son Harry Duke of Sussex? (   Prince Harry's memoir will be  a blockbuster any way you cut it. Can't wait.

Meghan Duchess of Sussex to Return to London to Accept an Award From GQ in November

 GQ is Set to Honor Meghan Duchess of Sussex in London for her Charity Work  Will Meghan and Harry make that 8-hour trek to London this November to collect an award from GQ Magazine? Time will tell. It is a bit soon after the Queen's death and they are probably tired from everything that they have going on at the moment. It is a lot. And they have two children to mind. But it might be a good idea for them to spend two or three weeks in England with the children and for the children to spend some time with their young cousins, Louis, Charlotte and George. Kate and Meghan are both good moms and they should both work on creating a relationship between those children.  Sure, we have our issues with how Kate and William treated Meghan; and Diana is literally rolling over in her grave to see how her eldest son left his little brother to rot in the firestorm that ensued when he announced his choice of wife. She is not at all happy about it. But I can hear her spiritual whispers and she h

Harry and Meghan Have Created Their Own Alternate Universe Where He is King and She is Queen Consort

King Harry and Queen Meghan  The beautiful thing about having your own home that you pay for with your own money is that you can be King and Queen of your own castle. This is exactly what Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, did in Montecito. They have created their own alternative universe. Now, those journalists in Australia and Piers Morgan over there in England would turn that into a negative if they ever heard me say it. That Harry and Meghan have their own alternative universe. But that does not have to be a bad thing. Sometimes, you just need to create your own situation because everything else around you is so toxic.  King Harry and Queen Meghan. I love the sound of this. King Harry and Meghan, Queen consort....not so sure... What the hell does this word mean anyways? "Consort"? What does this mean? It sounds kind of concubinish. Camilla, Queen Consort.  It's like short for "consortium" which means "sex" doesn't it? So she is Queen w

Could the Duchess' Ambition and Push for "Gender Equality" Affect her Marriage to Harry Duke of Sussex?

Meghan May be Making a Typical Feminist-Wife Mistake With Harry!   Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is ambitious. Unapologetically. As a girl, I admire her for that. I wish I could be more like her in many ways. But I do wonder how all this gender equality and ambition talk translates in her marriage behind closed doors.   The thing is, Meghan is a female human living in a situation that has been constructed for millennia. In this construct, men have always ruled.  There are exceptions, but for most scenarios, men have always been in charge of the power structures in every society. They call this "manhood." This is a very real phenomenon! It is wired in, Meghan! It is not their fault! It is never going to change! Listen to me my little sister: In a marriage,  (by the way, I have never been married so take this with a grain of salt, if at all)  women have always sought "equality" and some men have said they are open to the notion. The thing I worry about is that while men h

Are Harry and Meghan Competing With the Royal Family?

 I just read on Twitter that Harry and Meghan are "competing with the royal family. This was by someone named Richard Eden who wrote  "Fascinating timing. This was released soon after a photograph was published by Buckingham Palace of the new #royal 'Fab Four': #KingCharles , Camilla, #PrinceWilliam and Catherine" Richard Eden on Twitter: "👀Fascinating timing. This was released soon after a photograph was published by Buckingham Palace of the new #royal 'Fab Four': #KingCharles, Camilla, #PrinceWilliam and Catherine 👀" / Twitter It was in response to a photo published by the Sussexes to show them at the YoungWorld Summit. The Sussexes had gone to Europe for the summit and a few other assignments when all hell broke loose after the Monarch died. The whole tone of their trip changed and Meghan became public enemy #1 all over again and of course, their trip got lost in the noise, so the Sussexes published the photo as a reminder. They posted an

Does Harry Regret Marrying Meghan? Or Is it Meghan Who Regrets Marrying Harry?

 Do the Sussexes "Regret" Getting Married to Each Other? The other day, I was scrolling through Quora and came across this question: DO YOU THINK PRINCE HARRY REGRETS MARRYING MEGHAN MARKLE? It was very eye-opening for me, especially after I read some of the responses.  One of them read in part: "WOW what an actress! she sure missed her calling!!! All I can say is…Lady leave Harry and the kids, let them go back to his family and you go on your little merry way back to Hollywood, you homewrecker golddigger! 🤮 you make me sick. You and Oprah are so phony " I thought, "wow, d id I not write this post just a couple of weeks ago?" So, it  is not that I did not suspect this was the intention.  I am sadly not wrong about the intentions of a lot of these malicious people.  I am not wrong in thinking that Meghan and Harry's marriage could be at risk.   This is why I have insisted so earnestly, that Meghan pay extra attention to nurturing her marriage and her h

Was Queen Elizabeth Complicit in Chasing Meghan and Harry out of the Royal Family?

 Queen Elizabeth has dismissed Meghan's revelations about life behind palace walls with the legendary quip "recollections vary."  But was she in fact complicit in chasing the Duchess and her husband Harry - the Queen's grandson - out of the royal family and out of England? The queen was obviously very loved and revered by the British people and others around the world, so one has to be very careful about what one says about her. Besides, one does not want to say anything negative about the dead. But could the queen have done more to quell the brouhaha in Kensington Palace and in the press? She did take Meghan on the train ride and that was very nice and very memorable. Especially the part when Meghan was talking to her and laughing with her and she completely ignored the Duchess. One could pass it off as maybe the Queen did not hear the Duchess, but that moment does paint a picture. Then there was her expression throughout the entire wedding ceremony. Lord have mercy.

How Does Meghan and Harry Impact the British Financial Markets? Is it their fault that the Pound has tumbled to a 37-year Low?

 The British pound has tumbled to a 37 year low and some fear that the entire British economy is in free fall. Others would like to pin the blame of Meghan.  Giggles....sometimes I just crack myself up. 😊 This is not Meghan's fault. To be clear, there is a lot of karma that England owes itself, the commonwealth, and the world and a lot of it is financial in nature. But to try to blame Meghan and Harry is just outrageous. The truth is, Meghan and Harry have been treated horribly by the British Press and many in the British populous, and this could be a mistake because when the world watches what Brits are really like, and how unforgiving some of them are, there is that X factor that kicks in. And bad things start to happen. There are other forces in our world than just what we can see. It is quite possible that those forces are fed up with the Brits. First, it was Brexit. Why in god's name did they do that? Now, it is the death of Queen Elizabeth and a King who has a consort wh

The Daily Beast Alleges that "Ruthless" King Charles Wants Prince Harry and Meghan Permanently Exiled. This is False

  The Daily Beast Tom Sykes is totally wrong about King Charles Wanting to Permanently Exile Prince Harry A recent article by the Daily Beast by Tom Sykes alleges that King Charles is done with his son Prince Harry and wants Harry to stay in America to avoid bringing "distractions" to the Monarchy.  While no sources are named, the author of this dubious piece says it was revealed to him by a "friend" of the King. Apparently, the royal family wants Harry and Meghan exiled in a similar manner that Edward and Wallis were exiled in 1936. As proof, the author points out Harry and Meghan's "humiliating" second-row seating next to Beatrice and Eugenie at the Queen's funeral in September. This is all conjecture and gossip and holds no truth whatsoever. King Charles is a very practical man who wants to go down in history as having been an effective, successful, and beloved monarch. He is not going to be able to do that all by himself. While he and Camilla a

Harry's Book is Expected to be a Blockbuster But Will It Deliver on the Hype?

Prince Harry Duke of Sussex will publish his memoir with Penguin Random House at the end of this year and my goodness, there is so much hoopla surrounding the release.  Harry must be feeling a bit anxious about all the press his upcoming memoir is receiving. This is good and bad, of course.  It is good because obviously, the more hype it gets, the more people will buy it and the more people buy it, the more money Harry will make. But it is bad because there is so much hype and Harry has got to be worried that he can't deliver on all these expectations. And of course, when people's expectations are dashed, they can be pretty unforgiving.  How much more punishment can Harry take? The public is not nearly as hateful towards Harry as they are to Meghan. Especially the girls. Women hate Harry's wife a lot more than Piers Morgan and the few other guys in England without girls or boyfriends, hate her. People hate Meghan a lot . But some women really despise Meghan and Harry gets

Prince Harry and His Wife Meghan Duchess of Sussex Must REMEMBER to Always Put their Relationship First

Meghan and Harry Must Put Their Relationship First Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex have a lot on their plate these days. They are both young, driven, in demand, and ambitious. All eyes and ears are on them, to see what becomes of their bold move towards independence. They have a lot to prove to themselves and it is natural if they also feel that they have a lot to prove to the world. Their relationship must be their main focus They have to be careful with this because in their quest to prove themselves, they could place the focus of their relationship in the wrong place and this can have very deleterious effects on their marriage. From the looks of things, their marriage is pretty solid but they should NEVER take anything for granted with their relationship. There is a lot of negative energy directed specifically at their relationship. A lot of people would like to see their marriage bust up. Indeed, for many of their haters, the sole purpose of their venom is to sow discord