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Whoopie Goldberg Gives Meghan Markle a Tongue Lashing After Meghan dishes about Bimbo-gate

 How dare you Whoopie?

So, apparently, the Host of the American talk show the View, a former actor named Whoopie Goldberg just gave Duchess Meghan a tongue lashing because Meghan confessed that she hated one of her first jobs as an actress.

As someone who hated my first job out of college and would happily confess that to anyone who listens, I am totally nonplussed by Whoopie's judgment and negativity towards the Duchess. Why the judgment? Is it a genuine objection to what Meghan said or is she getting on the bandwagon against Meghan to settle old scores with Oprah?

Everyone knows that Oprah has taken a liking to Meghan and everyone knows that Whoopie has always hated Oprah. Is this a case of guilty by association? So she hates Meghan because Meghan is friends with Oprah?

I quiver to think this way. I have always liked Whoopie and probably will continue to like her, but I loathe what she has done here by joining this bandwagon bullying of Meghan and nitpicking at that young woman as if to pick her to her death.

Many people hate their first jobs. I sure hated mine. Just because Meghan is in the entertainment business does not mean she is any different from the rest of us. Meghan admitted that one of her first jobs as a briefcase girl on the show Deal or no Deal made her feel objectified and miserable. In this job, she had to dress like what she calls a "bimbo." By that, she meant that she had to show a lot of skin, put on a padded bra, and basically act like a sexual object rather than the cerebral thinker that she prefers to be. And she did not like how that felt. So she said so on her Archetypes podcast. And Whoopie basically had a cow. Why did this jerk Whoopie's strings this much? Only god knows. Maybe Whoopie had tried to get on the show and they picked Meghan instead? Who knows.

It just all seems so mean to nitpick and judge Meghan in this manner because she shared how she felt. It is like telling someone has a stomach ache after eating curry rice and they tell you they feel sick and you go, "no you don't!" or "no, you are not allowed to feel that way because a lot of people eat curry rice and they are perfectly fine!" Or, it is like telling someone your shoe pinches your little toe and they tell you "you are a liar!" or "I don't care if your toe hurts. Mine doesn't so get over it."

Sure, if Whoopie had been selected as a briefcase girl on Deal or No Deal, she probably would have loved it. I am sure that many of those girls loved their jobs. It is like me. Many people loved their jobs where I worked right out of college. I hated it, but many people loved it. So what? People are different. People have different reactions and opinions about the same thing. People have different value systems. People have different feelings.

One could ask why did Meghan take the job if she hated it? It is a fair question. I would ask why does anyone take or continue a job they hate? I would venture to say that in America alone, at least 50 percent of people hate their jobs. It may not be because the job makes them feel like a bimbo. It could be something else. But they hate it. It makes them feel bad about themselves. This is their feeling. You cannot tell people how to feel.

And that is what Whoopie is basically doing. She is trying to tell Meghan how to feel. She is judging Meghan and imposing her value systems onto this human being who has a right to her own feelings.

This is not okay. I am really, really disappointed with Whoopie on this. She ought to know better.

Image credit flickr creative commons

