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Yes, Meghan Markle is the "Only Child" of Doria Ragland.

 Meghan Markle is the only child and the only daughter of her mom Doria Ragland. Doria was always very proud to be Meghan's mom. The two are very close. While Meghan loves her father, she and he mom Doria have always shared a special bond, precisely because she is Doria's only child.

Doria wanted to have more children but it did not work out. While she acknowledges that she was the stepmother for her ex-husband's children, she never considered them her children. They were always her husband's children and they had a mother of their own.

Meghan loved being an only child of her mother but she would have welcomed having more siblings on her mother's side. Her half-siblings on her father's side and she were many years apart so she never really felt bonded to them or close to them. They were more like aunts or uncles.

Being an only child of her mother might have been good for Meghan in the end because she really got the love and attention she needed to thrive. Doria worked hard to help support Meghan while she was growing up and to give her all the things she needed to succeed in her formative years. 

There is a lot of talk about Meghan lying about being an only child. That is rather weird. If someone can dispute the fact that Doria Ragland has only one child, then they can prove that Meghan is a liar. If they cannot refute the fact that Meghan is her mother's only child, then it is not clear what the whole hoopla is about.

Meghan is telling the truth. She is the only child of Doria Ragland.

She needs to have her mother testify in this lawsuit that was filed against her.
Lawyer: "Ms Ragland, how many children do you have?
Doria Ragland: One.
Lawyer: Is it a son or daughter?
Doria Ragland: A daughter.
Lawyer: Is she your only child?
Doria Ragland: Yes.
Lawyer: What is her name?
Doria Ragland: Meghan Markle.
Lawyer: No further questions.

Judge: You may step down.
