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Trevor's Book: Meghan's Ex Husband to Write Tell All That Muddies the Duchess Even More; But women are so mean!!!



Just when I was thinking that Meghan's ex-husband Trevor is "such a gentleman" I hear he is writing a book that spills all the intimate details about their life. I just listened to a YouTube video by this human about it and I was actually shocked. She was shockingly mean and gleeful that this man was going to tell the intimate details of his life with his wife. And I almost lost faith in all women when I listened to her. I felt so sick. She claimed that Trevor's book about his intimate life with Meghan will teach Meghan a lesson. I strongly doubt this woman has ever met Meghan Markle. Yet, she seemed such an expert on this woman's life. She seemed so sure that she knew everything about Meghan. She was the judge and executioner of Meghan.

This was female, this thing. And I felt sick. And I started crying. I wished with all my heart it was not another woman doing this to a woman. I wished it were only people like Piers Morgan. 

I left this comment; 

We don't know yet who will learn the best lessons. We think it is Meghan because it's her turn to go through the shit storm. It's gotta suck for her on a lot of levels (even if she was not a perfect wife to Trevor) to know that someone she was intimate with (her former husband) is writing a tell-all book about her. This has never happened to you, of course. Like Meghan, you can't imagine it happening because you are not famous. Neither was she when she married Trevor.

Be careful about gloating about the misfortunes of others, though. Sure, it is entertaining to sit and dissect someone's intimate life, because it'"s not you. So you can laugh, gloat and make fun of her. You can be complete without compassion and empathy for her. You can judge her and throw rocks. Because you are better than her, and she is scum in your view.

But be careful. We all reap what we sow. Everything comes back around. Even for you. Don't enjoy Meghan's pain too much. Your day will come.

It is so inadequate to express how I really feel about what she was saying about this human being she has never met. And I lost more faith in women. And just people in general. I learned lessons from listening to her. Because Meghan has spent so much time of her life trying to help other people and putting her energies into so many things and I wondered why she bothers? It is not men who hate her the most. It is the very people she spends her life trying to uplift. What is the lesson there? For me, just don't give a fuck. You know? Just save my energy.

But here I am. Writing about it. Wishing I could speak directly to this human being. I hope she knows that she has a lot of support in the world from some women, and some humans. We know that she is an imperfect human and that we are also imperfect and we know that what is happening can't be easy. But there is a reason for it. She needs to feel this horrible pain because something else is coming in life. The experience of this pain will make that thing so much easier for her. Do not despair, Meghan. Stay strong....

She was picked to take this difficult journey. Since she was little, it was charted. She was tested at 11 years old, and she responded. She did not back away. And her life is an example of someone who is meant to lead. It is not easy for leaders. It is not easy at the top. But she must know that she was picked out of the many to do what the few can even imagine doing. And so far, she has been flawless.

No woman, no matter who she is, should ever have to fear that someone with whom she has been intimate would reveal her most intimate moments to the world. No woman. It doesn't matter who she is and what she has done. And if that can't be an honor code for ALL women, if we can't agree that we all draw the line there, then, fuck it, I give up on women. My worse fears about them have come true tonight. No one hates women like other women. And they did not learn this from men. This is not the fault of men. This is squarely on women. They are the worst sexists. This is who and what they are. And it's vulgar. It is ugly.  It stinks. And it's high time we stop blaming men for being misogynists.

Image credit flickr creative commons
