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Netflix Adds Disclaimer to its Series the Crown After Protest From Buckingham Palace. Same Powerful Monarchy Said Nothing to Help Meghan


You know what? The British Monarchy is very powerful. Apparently, they even dictated which images of the Queen's funeral can be shown and which ones cannot be shown in the future by the media such as the Daily Mail, BBC, and others.

Now it has been disclosed that the Monarchy is not happy with the Netflix TV series The Crown - specifically Season 5. This is because it shows King Charles and Queen Camilla in a negative light and highlights how they both cheated on Princess Diana, and how that whole situation ultimately led to Diana's tragic death.

 So what does the monarchy do? It demands that Netflix add a disclaimer to the series to let people know that it is a fictionalized version of the facts and that things did not go down exactly as is being depicted by the show.

And guess what? Netflix caved and added the disclaimer!

It made me wonder about the total silence when Meghan was being literally persecuted, electrocuted, vilified, harassed, maligned, and humiliated by the British Press on a daily basis. Absolutely no one in the monarchy asked for mercy, or for a time out, or for a retraction or anything. They left Meghan to perish at the hands of media bullies even though she never cheated on Harry.

They could have done SOMETHING to help, obviously because they have a lot of power; But they remained silent.

Is it fair to say that they agreed with how Meghan was treated, therefore? Is it fair to say they hoped the media would have destroyed the marriage between Meghan and Harry? And if so, what did Meghan ever do to them that they should have wished her such bad luck?
