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Why I am a Meghan Markle Fangirl: Move Over Gwyneth Paltrow!

 My Meghan Markle Fangirling is Much More Intense Than the One I had for Gwyneth Paltrow

I thought my fangirl days were far behind me, but Meghan Markle made me the biggest fangirl ever. Well, I don't know if that is true because, to be honest, this is the first time in my life I have been a fangirl. I have liked and admired celebrities in the past. I was the biggest Pre-Goop Gwyneth Paltrow fan, for example, and would buy every Magazine I could get my hands on when she was on the cover. I still love Gwyneth, though I am so much older and so much more mature, and now that she is doing so few movies, and I am so disinterested in movies, I don't keep up as much with her comings and goings. I did see a recent Youtube video of her making a boyfriend omelet or something like that and it was just awesome, vintage Gwyneth.

My fangirling of Meghan Markle is definitely on a whole other level than the one I have for Gwyneth. I mean, I don't think I would have started an entire blog dedicated to Gwyneth Paltrow despite my admiration for the renegade actress turned entrepreneur.

Meghan's story really touches my heart. I remember when she first started dating Harry and they had gone to that wedding in Jamaica I had another blog at that time about relationships and I said then that I did not think Harry would marry Meghan. I just did not see the royal family going for that marriage. I have never been so glad to be wrong in my life. Not about the royal family, but about Harry marrying Meghan.

So, I did not start out obsessed with Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. I did not think in a million years that they would end up married because of who he is, and how I viewed the British royal family and so why invest all that emotion on something that was undoubtedly cute but not going to go anywhere? I was sure they would never have allowed this marriage and I was sure that everything that eventually happened would happen, so I thought the two of them knew it too, and that they would not put themselves into this type of public pain and scrutiny.

But as time went on, and I realized that Harry was serious about Meghan and that he was going to stand up against this family and members of the media and public for this woman, I became a believer. Sure, even on this blog I have said that maybe the best thing for them to have done would have been either to walk away from the love they have for each other (how cowardly, right?) or disappear off the radar and live their lives off-grid to avoid the public glare. Ironically, it is because I am such a fangirl that I say this. Because I believe that other people's negativity can seep into a relationship and destroy it and Harry and Meghan are unfortunately exposed on a regular basis to a LOT of negativity. I honestly worry for their marriage. Because love is love, after all. It can be broken. It can be smashed. It can change. It can die. And with all the outside forces that have convened to try to break them up, I do worry and so I have said some things that maybe they would not like so much, like "getting married to each other was a mistake."

The main reason I am such a Meghan Markle fangirl is that she is so darned strong! She does not have the same opinions and views about her marriage as I obviously do. She never thought for a minute of taking the coward's way out and passing on love, perhaps the greatest love of her life, just because it was going to be hard. This takes courage and it takes guts to take on a marriage of this nature, and she has a lot more of both these qualities than I do. I admire her for that. I would have run for the hills in her situation. I would have passed on love because I would have been afraid of what everyone would say and think.

Her self-confidence is astounding. This girl just keeps going no matter what. She is not a quitter and for someone like me who thinks of quitting the minute, someone criticizes my Youtube Channel (this beeyatch said that 'you are not ready for youtube' for example and I wanted to shrivel up and quit) I just really get a kick out of Meghan's moxie. She is a TOUGH cookie. I want to be more like her in this regard.

Of course, I love her fashion sense. A lot. She just looks amazing in everything she wears. She has never tried to look like anyone else. Some ridiculous people would try to say she has tried to imitate Kate Middleton, but to me, it is clearly the other way around. After Meghan arrived on the scene, Kate upped her fashion game by embracing many different looks she had never embraced as a royal.  I mean, Kate is lovely and I am not trying to compare them unfavorably, I'm just saying that Meghan is a fashion icon and I love that about her because my dream life would include a whole closet full of Meghan Markle-edited clothes....I wonder if she will ever do her own fashion line? What could she call it? M. Rachel. This would be the name of her line of clothing...

I digress. Why else do I admire Meghan and fangirl over her?  I love how she believes that she is enough and how she does not let her marriage define who she is, while at the same time she married a literal prince and she darn well knows that that is HUGE. It is a big deal that she closed that deal with Harry. That is not easy to pull off and she made it look easy and inevitable which is just even more amazing.

She makes me want to move to California. I have heard rumors that she and Harry are leaving Montecito and heading either to Hope Ranch or Napa. I have become obsessed with moving to California just because Meghan lives there. And Gwyneth too. Both Meghan and Gwynnie live in Montecito. I figure if  Gwyneth and Meghan live in Cali, it's gotta be cool.

Here is the Youtube video that was inspired by this post:


image credit flickr creative commons

NEXT: "Crazy": Meghan Markle Takes on This and Other Labels That Stigmatize Women on her Archetypes Podcast (
