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Sky News Australia Codependent Relationship With Meghan Markle

Sky News Australia seems obsessed with Meghan the Duchess of Sussex. A lot of people are obsessed with Meghan the Duchess of Sussex, but Sky News in particular (the Australia and New Zealand office) seems really obsessed. They seem co-dependent, actually. The main symptom is they feel like without Meghan, they cannot survive as a news organization. They feel a compulsive need to "keep themselves connected" to Meghan - her name, image, likeness, and existence.

The editors and journalists over there seem to have some sort of mental and emotional need to see, talk about, hear and analyze Meghan from every conceivable angle. They are literally reliant on Meghan Markle perhaps to hold on to their jobs. to be fair, they are serving an insatiable viewer base that is equally co-dependent on the Duchess. So they have to keep feeding the beast. It's wild.

I almost sense a kind of addiction coming out of this obsessive relationship they have with the Duchess of Sussex. She has become like a drug for Sky News and its entire team of commentators, journalists, reporters, and the like. The same type of addiction one would have to, say, alcohol or drugs. Meghan is like a drug for these people. They need their Meghan fix all throughout the day. Yes, it's a very chemical reaction that they have to the Duchess. And their readers too.

You can imagine the things they would share in an Alcoholics Anonymous meeting about their feelings about the Duchess. So they feel themselves to be somehow intertwined with Meghan Markle in a totally toxic way and so they obsess and fixate and run stories day and night about the Duchess and the more lurid and sensational, the better the hit.

They share this with their readers who are likewise having this codependent relationship. Many of them have stopped even cleaning the apartment and doing the dishes. It's just Meghan, Meghan, Meghan.

They need help.

Next up: Advisors for Meghan and Harry : 5 Great Product Collaboration Ideas for Meghan Markle That Will Get Her Enemies Talking (

Image credit flickr creative commons
