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Are Meghan and Harry Moving to Hope Ranch California or Napa Valley California?


All the people in the know seem to be saying that Meghan and Harry are moving to Hope Ranch California. Meanwhile, we got an anonymous email saying they are moving to Napa Valley. Well, actually not that they are moving there. I think it said they were looking to buy a winery and vineyard there, but that they were staying in Montecito.

But apparently, none of that is true. They aren't moving to Napa Valley and they are not staying in Montecito. They are moving to Hope Ranch. I have never even heard of this place. Have you? Is it near Calabasas where the Kardashians live? 

I liked the Napa Valley idea. I love the idea of the Sussexes owning their own winery and making delicious wine like Brad Pitt did with Chateau Miraval but apparently, that could be a false tip. They are not going to buy a vineyard. They are moving to  Hope Ranch to be near equestrian trails. We know Harry loves horses and he probably wants to make sure Archie knows how to ride so that he can play polo. 

Or maybe they are doing both? Harry probably wants to be near horses and Meghan wants to be near the sea and they both want a vineyard. They have made a lot of cash with their various projects. Harry's hotly anticipated book deal allegedly brought in $35 million dollars up front and more on the back end depending on sales. And that book is going to sell like hotcakes because everyone will want to read about what he said about Camilla and try to guess what he took out after the funeral. Plus, aside from that, they have deals with Netflix and Spotify. They allegedly have a $100 million dollar deal with Netflix. They can get a really nice house with that after paying their taxes. And they can get a vineyard too.

Time will tell what is the truth. The house is Hope Ranch or the estate in Napa. Either way, more exciting times are to come with those two!

Image credit flickr creative commons
