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Meghan Markle Was Born for Great Things With Her Husband Harry, Duke of Sussex!

Meghan should not worry about the haters. They are doing their job. She just has to focus on doing hers

Harry, Duke of Sussex, was the catalyst. And he was chosen to bring this woman to the world. She was already well on her way to building a global platform, but with Harry, she cinched the deal.

She wanted to hit the ground running with all the things she wanted to do in the world, to contribute to the world, to try to make it a better place than she found it. But she hit a roadblock in the palace when courtiers and other inhabitants felt the heat of her headlights.

They smashed the light, but she put in a new bulb.

Meghan and Harry are doing and will continue to do great things. Because Harry and Meghan are likeminded. This is why he recognized her as soon as he met her. They are past lives reconnected, soulmates as he said. People can never understand this. But these two people knew each other.

Which is why her marriage to Trevor did not stand a chance. Something was missing. She knew. Something else was there. It was Harry. And no hard feelings towards Trevor (unless he disrespects and dishonors her in his book). But Meghan and Harry were meant for each other.

It was always going to be high-profile, high-voltage, and controversial. This element is needed for them to achieve their goals and ambitions. Everyone needs to know who they are.

As time goes on, and they and their marriage mature, the world will see even better who and what they are.

Keep going, Harry and Meghan. Stay focused on the thing and people that matter. Protect your couple. Take care of your children. And keep your chin up.

You will do great things in Africa, the Caribbean, and even in UK and America, and in other parts of the world. Always keep young people at the forefront of your work.

And when you have finally distributed the $1 million dollars in grants to deserving women, I hope you will have a gala to honor them publicly. You can have the gala in New York, London or Atlanta.


image flickr creative commons
