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#meghanmarkleisaliar and Other Mean Twitter Hashtags That Normalize the Hate of Meghan Markle

Should Twitter do More to Manage the Negative Hashtags About Meghan Markle?

Since I started this blog back on 22 September 2022 (three weeks ago), I have been using Twitter to promote my posts and I have noticed something interesting about the hashtag system. There are so many NEGATIVE hashtags about Meghan and those are the ones that come up first. So I have to really work to find positive hashtags, make up my own hashtags, or use negative hashtags which I do sometimes.

Why would I use a negative hashtag? Well, it gets me eyeballs and allows me to offer them a counterargument to their hatred. Indeed, the more of these negative hashtags I put on a post, the more traffic I get, and the more positive hashtags I put on a post, the less traffic I get.

Why are people so inclined to the negative? I have no idea but they love the hate and to hate. And they love to bully.  And where Meghan Markle is concerned, they bully and hate with impunity. I am always amazed that I only receive traffic on this blog when I tweet my posts using hateful Meghan Markle hashtags.

Below is the list of the usual suspects that come up if I type Meghan's name:


Why would there be a hashtag saying that Meghan Markle is a "racist" in the first place? She seems to love her mother who is coded as "black" and she seems to court people of other races in her life. She has a very diverse group of friends and people in her orbit. It seems a strange accusation under the circumstances but it is one of the top hashtags on Twitter. Have I ever used this hashtag? It is possible because as I said, it is a way to get the eyeballs. But I have begun to wonder if it is worth it all or whether using these hashtags just compounds the problem and helps them to proliferate.

The hashtag about her being a liar has been tackled in this post. Honestly, I think it is all the fault of the Archbishop of Canterbury. He impeached Meghan when he denied that he had officiated a private ceremony between her and Harry. I believe Meghan when she said that she and Harry had a private ceremony that he officiated. But I think because of optics and semantics, he chose to throw her under the bus because she said they had gotten "married" when what it was, was a sort of private exchange of vows (like what Kourtney Kardashian and her husband Travis Barker did in Vegas before their big wedding in Italy.)

Anyway, Meghan is not the only one subject to these negative hashtags. Other royals have them too. Still, I think Meghan gets the worst of it. She said a few years back that she had been ranked as the most trolled person in the world. And I totally see it.

I wonder what she could do about that because really, Twitter should tweak the algorithms a bit to show some balance at least. It should not be helping people to normalize the hate of Meghan Markle like this. The algorithms literally are helping to normalize hate.

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