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Showing posts matching the search for archbishop

Did the Archbishop of Canterbury Lie to Make Meghan Markle Look Like a Liar?

  So, who is the Archbishop of Canterbury these days? I have no idea. I don't really keep up with that kind of stuff. I am not a member of the Church of England, and in my own former religion, I barely know who is who. But I can tell you with the greatest due respect, that I have very little regard for many of these so-called "men of the cloth." And I say this with all due respect. But things have changed in how I see these people. My experience is that they are a bunch of humans who are just like the rest of the population in every way. They eat, they excrete, they have sex (sometimes with partners they are not supposed to), they lie, they have biases and prejudices, they steal, they commit adultery, and maybe even murder. There are good ones too, don't get me wrong. But this "holiness" thing is over. Am over it. It's not true. They are just like the rest of the population. They just wear weird outfits like the Klu Klux Klan. And forgive me for making t

Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is Not a Liar

The Hashtag About Meghan Being a Liar is Really Unfair  Meghan Duchess of Sussex has been unfairly branded a liar by the press. She has been branded a liar in front of the world, for small inconsistencies in some of her utterances, and it really annoys me. A lot of this has to do with her lawsuit against some media publications in England. Since then, they have been out to get her and with the help of their demon minions on social media, they have set out to assassinate the character of this woman. Does she put her foot in her own mouth sometimes? Maybe. Does she speak in a way that is not completely accurate from a verbatim standpoint sometimes? Maybe. The thing is, everyone has their own perception of details and Meghan is no different. The difference between Meghan and the rest of us is that she is on a public stage and some people looking at her are her enemies. So it means she has to be very careful with everything she says. She literally has to cross her "T's" and

#meghanmarkleisaliar and Other Mean Twitter Hashtags That Normalize the Hate of Meghan Markle

Should Twitter do More to Manage the Negative Hashtags About Meghan Markle? Since I started this blog back on 22 September 2022 (three weeks ago), I have been using Twitter to promote my posts and I have noticed something interesting about the hashtag system. There are so many NEGATIVE hashtags about Meghan and those are the ones that come up first. So I have to really work to find positive hashtags, make up my own hashtags, or use negative hashtags which I do sometimes. Why would I use a negative hashtag? Well, it gets me eyeballs and allows me to offer them a counterargument to their hatred. Indeed, the more of these negative hashtags I put on a post, the more traffic I get, and the more positive hashtags I put on a post, the less traffic I get. Why are people so inclined to the negative? I have no idea but they love the hate and  to hate. And they love to bully.  And where Meghan Markle is concerned, they bully and hate with impunity. I am always amazed that I only receive traffic

Why Meghan and Harry Should Never Renew Their Vows

  Is it bad luck to renew one's wedding vows? It will be for Harry and Meghan Well, let me be more precise with this one: if Meghan and Harry ever feel like they want to renew their vows, I think they should do it very, very, privately where it is just them and the witness who knows about it. And if possible, they should not even have a witness. Unless maybe the Duchess' mother Doria can do it. Why do I say that? Well, fundamentally, as a former divorce lawyer, I can tell you that a lot of people renew their vows right before they contact the divorce attorney. It is a very weird phenomenon and I have concluded that renewing vows is bad luck. Especially if it is publicly divulged. Just like Meghan and Harry had their secret ceremony with the Archbishop of Canterbury, if they ever feel like they need to renew their vows, they should do it in secret. It should be just between them, as they stare into each other's eyes, and hold each other's hands. No one else should be pr