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5 Ways that Meghan Duchess of Sussex is Just like Princess Diana

Meghan Markle and Princess Diana are not as different as you might think 

1. They are both nice to the people who work for them and with them

Princess Diana was loved by the people she met, and the people who worked for her. A recent book that came out about the royal family tried to brand Meghan as a bad person who treated those she worked with and those who worked for her with disdain. This is in sharp contrast to other stories about Meghan in the workplace, especially on the set of Suits. Suits was a TV show that Meghan had a significant part in for nearly 8 years. Notably, she lived at Kensington Palace for less than 1 year. In all the years Meghan worked at Suits, her colleagues praise her work ethic, congeniality, respect, self-respect, and friendliness. She got along with everyone and everyone loved her. This is not unlike Princess Diana. Everyone loved Princess Diana. Even in the palace, she was loved by the people who worked for her. She was thoughtful and considerate, just like Meghan is thoughtful and considerate. 

2. They both are very huge charitable givers

Diana had her own charitable organizations that she supported and it is rumored that she was the patron of more than 50 charities in the Uk alone. She concerned herself with issues such as landmines, AIDs, Leprosy, and childhood maladies. She raised millions of dollars for various charities during her life. Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is likewise a huge philanthropist. She has, through her and Harry's foundation Archewell, given millions of dollars in aid and support to charities that help women, girls, and underprivileged people. She has built playgrounds for children, helped pump water in African villagers where water is a scarce resource, and advocated on behalf of girls in India whose lives were impeded by menstruation challenges. The Duchess is also a World Vision Ambassador who helped transform the lives of children in Rwanda, India, and other countries.

3. They are both style icons who look amazing in hats

No one wore a hat quite like Princess Diana did. That is, until Meghan, Duchess of Sussex showed up on the scene. The American-born royal has the perfect head for a hat and since becoming Prince Harry's wife, can be regularly seen in the traditionally British attire. Aside from their hat penchant, both Princess Diana and Meghan Markle are style icons in their own right. While the two have their own distinct styles, there is no doubt that they also have similar tastes in certain things. To be sure, they both will have their place in history as two of the world's best-dressed women.

4. They were both rejected by the royal family - but fought back

Diana was definitely welcomed at first by the royal family. They saw her as the perfect gestational carrier for future royal heirs. But beyond that, it does not appear that she was of much use. Diana was famously nixed by the palace and courtiers after it became abundantly clear that Charles did not love her beyond her gestational capabilities. After ten years of putting on a front, the couple's marriage simply unraveled and at that point, Diana very quickly was shown the door by the royal family. In Meghan's case, the family paid for the wedding according to the protocols and Charles stepped in at the last minute to walk her down the aisle when her own father was unavailable. So, that is not nothing. But was she ever really welcomed by the royal family? It does not appear so. It is not even clear that they ever wanted her as a gestational carrier for the royal children. Some one of them expressed serious concern about what color her children would be, allegedly. But neither Diana nor Meghan took the rejection lying down. Both did explosive interviews with the press about the whole situation, for one thing. But beyond that, they both showed that there was life after the royal family. They went on to live their lives their way despite behind banished from their HRH cocoons.

5. They both adore Harry

No doubt, Diana Princess of Wales is the first woman Harry ever loved. And she loved her son. People say that William was her favorite, but from the looks of it, she loved both her boys equally. Meghan is madly in love with her husband Prince Harry. It is clear just by the way that she looks at him, holds his hand, and says his name. Lately, she has taken to mentioning him in interviews as "my husband" and it is like music to the ears to hear her refer to him like that. Both Princess Diana and Meghan Markle adore this man. 

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