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Why is a Tan-skinned Meghan Markle so Threatening to People Who Spend Billions Per Year on Fake Tanning Products?

 Meghan, Duchess of Sussex got a lot of flack for appearing in public with darker skin than she has in the winter. It is the most bizarre thing I have ever seen in my life. I live in a world where self-tanning products and services are practically a trillion-dollar industry. People spend big money to have a darker complexion because it just looks healthier.

For example, in England, I personally follow three or four influencer bloggers regularly and they are experts at fake tanning. They do not leave their houses without getting a fake tan. They do not go on holiday without a fake tan. They do not even make influencer appearances without a fake tan. 

Those accounts are some of the most popular influencer accounts in England, and on the Internet. They are In the Fro, Fashion Mumblr, Lydia Millen, and another one I cannot even remember at this moment.....Freddy My Love I follow these girls religiously and so do millions of other women all over the world. I can tell you all about their beauty rituals because that is basically what their channels and lives are about. No one is a bigger expert on tanning and fake-tanning than these women. They make fake-tanning seem almost essential. I have never heard anyone judge them about this. Indeed, their followers seem to do the very same thing. They don't seek permission to get tanned skin whether it is a real tan or a fake tan. So why does Meghan Markle need permission to tan her skin? What the heck is that all about?

I don't tan, personally because I don't need to. I am already at my maximum tan by nature. But I have no problem whatsoever with anybody wanting to have a healthier glow by tanning, and since baking in the sun is so dangerous, getting a fake tan is the next best thing and I have nothing at all against that. Women have the right to do what they think is best to enhance themselves. And all women do something or another to achieve this objective.

Why, therefore, is Meghan a bad person for getting a tan? Is she not allowed because she is not caucasian? Is she not allowed because she is in the British royal family? Is she not allowed because her mother is "black"? I don't understand it. Why is Meghan a bad person for getting a tan? Is tanning only for "white" people? Is that the world I live in, that something as basic as getting a healthier glow to pale skin is reserved for only one group of people - which means the rest of us need to ask permission? 

Just nuts. Just ignorant. Just raciste. (Sic intended).

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