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Meghan Markle Said: "I am Particular". What Does She Mean?

 What Does Duchess Meghan Mean When She Says "I am Particular"

In one of her podcasts, I believe it was the one about the "angry black woman" trope, Meghan Duchess of Sussex revealed that she is "particular". And several articles about that popped up around the Internet. Most of these tried to turn what the Duchess said into a negative and used it as a way to criticize the Duchess. But I don't think the Duchess meant anything negative by the statement. Here are 10 ways that I interpreted what she said: 

1. I have individuality

What the Duchess meant when she says she is "particular" is that there are things and situations and people with which and whom she is inclined to express her individuality and insist on her individuality. She is not a part of a monolith. She is "particular." Every human is "particular." And every human is an individual and should be treated as an individual by others, rather than being relegated to a monolith where they are boxed up with others they do not even know, and expected to follow somebody else's code of who they should be, how they should look and what they should aspire to. No, Duchess Meghan is not having that. She is an individual. She is particular. 

2. I have boundaries

Another way I interpret what the Duchess means about being particular is to say that she has boundaries. For many people in society, another person's boundaries don't matter. Again, they lump everyone into a monolith and shove them into a box and then they try to decide the boundaries for everyone in the box. As if these people have no individuality. As if these people do not have the right to set their own boundaries. Duchess Meghan is saying that she sets her own boundaries because she is "particular". She is not part of a monolith.  She does not answer to anyone else's code.

3. I have preferences

When she says she is "particular" she could mean that she has certain preferences that may be different from the prefences of others, and she is unapologetic about it. She clearly respects the particularities of others, but she values and nurtures her own individuality and her own preferences - likes and dislikes. She does not expect to be forced to base her likes and dislikes on the coded expectations of others. She decides her own preferences because, once again, she is an individual.

4. I have expectations

Being "particular" the Duchess could also mean that she has certain expectations. If she is the boss, she expects a modicum of respect from those who work for her. If she is living in a palace as a princess, she expects the courtiers to be deferential in the same manner that they are deferential to others similarly situated in the palace. She expects to be treated fairly in the press. She expects to be allowed to exercise her individuality and preferences without being forced to adhere to someone else's code.

5. I have opinions

With this one, the Duchess could simply mean that she has a mind of her own. She is an individual, not a monolith, and her opinions are going to be uniquely Meghan's. She does not follow a script written by others. She does not base her opinions and views on what the masses say and do. She is "particular". She has her own unique views and opinions. And she is not afraid to voice them.

6. I have needs and wants

She needs what she needs and she wants what she wants. She also realizes and respects that others need what they need and want what they want. She is not trying to dictate anything to anyone. To each his own. She has her own particular needs and wants.

7. I have equal rights

By this statement about being "particular," the Duchess is expressing her equality. Every human is equal to other humans and every human has the right to their particularity and individuality. Again, she is not a monolith. She is not in a box. She is unique. She is an individual. Equality applies to her, as it does to every human being.

8. I have demands

By being particular, the Duchess could mean she has demands. One of those demands is respect. She demands respect for her individuality, her needs and wants, and for her boundaries and preferences. She fully recognizes that her demands may not be identical to the next person. She does not try to dictate to others what their demands should be. She is only saying that she has her own particular demands.

9. I have particularities

The Duchess is "particular" because she has "particularities." It is that simple.

10. I have originality

The Duchess also meant that she is original. There is only one of her on the planet. And as such, the way her humanity combines inside her is a mark of her originality. So what is okay for another person may not be okay for her and vice versa. She is original as is every other human being. 

11. I have nuances

Finally, the Duchess could mean that she has her nuances, which are unique to her. She is not going to apologize for being nuanced. It is her nuances that make her the original individual and human that she is. It is her nuances that depict her particularity which in turn depicts her individuality. 


image credit flickr creative commons
