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Archewell Productions Should do a Show Set in Paris - With a Black Woman!

P. A. R. I .S.

I have a great idea!!! OMG!!!

 Why not do a show set in Paris??? Through Archewell??? Meghan said in her Variety interview that she loves French, so I am assuming she loves Paris - who doesn't after all?

I know there is a very popular and successful show on Netflix about Paris called....jeeze, what is it called again?....Emily in Paris. This show is very cute and very nice and I love it like the next person.

But how about a show about a woman of color in Paris? Maybe she is having a midlife crisis, and so she comes to Paris looking for answers. She is imperfect, maybe even a little bit fat. She is single, has no money and basically is a bit of a mess, but there is sophistication there, and vulnerability. But she is happy, funny and hopeful that things will work out in the end.? And she cannot speak a lick of French, btw. Which is hilarious. OMG it's perfect!!! And guess who stars in this feature???

Me!!!!! I will be the star!!!

Giggles....No, actually I'm serious AF...Yes, I've had a glass of wine, but so what?

Can you imagine of something like this were to really happen???OMG!!!  OK, you know what? I'm going to pitch Meghan and Harry right now!!!
