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Did Meghan Manipulate Harry Into Marrying Her, Moving to California and Having Two Babies?

Is Meghan Markle Manipulative?

On Quora, there is a question about Meghan Markle being "manipulative."  I found it an interesting question and decided to tackle it in a post. Why do people think Meghan is manipulative? There are 3 basic reasons:

1. Harry, Duke of Sussex, married her

There is this perception that Meghan MUST be manipulative because how else would somebody like her get a guy like Harry to marry her. Meghan is not like any of Harry's other girlfriends. She is the only American he has dated in a serious way, for one thing. She is also older by 3 years than Harry, And she has some "black" in her.  On top of that, her family background on both sides is less than impressive - for a guy like Harry. Her father had a decent job as a lighting director on some TV shows but that is hardly the CEO of an oil conglomerate, or the chairman of a major bank, or a highly decorated military general. 

On top of that, her father, even though he is caucasian, cannot be credibly considered to be an "upper-class" caucasian. Neither are her half-siblings on her father's side. While they are caucasian (and this factor is important for a lot of people when one is talking about marrying into the British royal family) they are not enough to give Meghan the mystique that she needs. They themselves have not achieved half of what Meghan has achieved, so they could add nothing at all to her portfolio. If possible, they hugely subtract from her portfolio.

Her mother Doria has had very few if any missteps, but her blackness is a big distraction for most of these people who hate the Duchess. The black mother is the cherry on top of the cake of what is wrong with Meghan as a suitable wife for Prince Harry, Duke of Sussex.

So people just don't get it. Why would a guy like Harry freely marry a girl like Meghan unless he was totally manipulated by her and did not know what he was doing? 

How did Meghan supposedly pull off this manipulation of the Prince? Well, she used sex and her yoga vagina, apparently. She gave him so much good sex that he just became "woke" and he offered marriage after less than a year of dating. 

What else did she do to manipulate him into marrying her? She cooked him all sorts of amazing things, like roast chicken.

She did not play hard to get, which is a typical manipulation technique. But because they lived on different continents at the time of dating, it was just a given that they would have to deal with absences from each other, and this made his heart grow fonder, quicker so that by the time he got to see her, he was literally ripping off her clothes.

How else did she manipulate him?  Just with her charming self, her smile and her voice. Plus, she had this job where she had to kiss this other guy and this was a catalyst for a healthy amount of jealousy and insecurity to build up in Harry.

Her blog, The Tig, also helped to seduce Harry but no one can fairly accuse her of using it to "manipulate" him because she had her blog long before she met Harry. But she presented well in that blog, and her life looked AMAZING. It was luxurious and forward-thinking and Harry recognized himself in her.

But if she did manipulate him, I would imagine that one technique would be to let him know that she wanted him, but that if necessary she could live quite happily without him.

So what? Don't all women engage in some form of manipulation in their relationships? For that matter, don't all men engage in manipulative behaviors as well? Why are they ganging up on Meghan with this nonsense?

2. Harry agreed to move to America to make her happy

This was a huge thing that Harry did to prove his love for his wife, and to protect her emotional and physical well-being. The tide had turned against her in the press and in the British public and Harry feared they would eventually lead his wife to her death, just like his mother was led to her death. He could not go through that a second time. So when he saw that his wife was suffering, and when he heard all the hateful sentiments and trolling of his wife, he acted quickly to protect her, by leaving England.

Why does it have to be that Meghan "manipulated" him? Even the toughest animal would have been under emotional distress if they were in the same position as Meghan during this tumultuous time. And if she wanted to get out of there, and go back to America, who can blame her? But it is not a question of her callously "manipulating" her husband to "isolate" him from his family for nefarious reasons. Chances are, he had been unhappy in that life before he even met Meghan and subconsciously wanted out. Meghan gave him that out. But it does not mean she "manipulated" him.

3. Having babies right after marriage

I read somewhere, probably on Quora, that Meghan's pregnancies were a form of manipulation. Apparently, she had her babies to "trap" Harry. This is unpersuasive because it would mean that just about any woman who gets pregnant within the first couple of years of her marriage is a potential "manipulator." The truth is that the whole point of getting married is to provide a stable environment to have children. Meghan was already over 35 when she married and saw no reason to wait any longer to have her kids. She was perfectly right to do so. But the idea that it was for manipulative reasons is offensive. Harry, too, was ready to be a father and wanted to impregnate his wife as soon as possible. They were, luckily for them, fertile. And they had their babies right away. This has nothing to do with Meghan being "manipulative."

image credit flickr creative commons

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