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Samantha Markle's Lawsuit Against Meghan Heats Up

This Lawsuit filed by Samantha Markles Sounds Frivolous. How Was it allowed to get this far?

Samantha Markle is the daughter of Meghan Duchess of Sussex's biological father, Thomas Markle. So that would make the ladies related by sanguinity. But make no mistake: there is no sisterhood among these two. This is not Kate and Pippa Middleton by any means. Say what you want about Kate Middleton, at least, she has a normal family. And Meghan's family is anything but. 

It is another unfortunate blow for Meghan to have wound up in this cesspool of a situation. It is a spectacle and a circus beyond description. One could argue that knowing what type of "family" situation she had, Meghan should have never accepted Harry's proposal of marriage. Or, if she insisted on going ahead with marrying and living in the glass house, she should have done everything possible to patch up with these people first. She was very, very naive on this issue. Oh my god.

In my view, one of the driving forces behind all that is happening to the Duchess, including the public hatred, is Samantha.  She will tell you that she loves her little "sister." But she was apparently banned from social media because they found her posts about Meghan were, to put it politely, objectionable.

A sister is more than a word, and it is more than biology.  From my standpoint, these two are not sisters. They share some DNA in common, but this does not sisters make. 

Meghan has been dragged into a cesspool by these people. Unfortunately, all the shit is being splattered all over Meghan, as it is designed to do, and not on the people dragging her into the cesspool. She is doing her best to avoid getting totally submerged in the shit, but unfortunately, this is impossible. Some of that shit is sticking.  She will never be able to wipe herself completely clean. This is by design. This is by intention. 

How cruel can people be?

But I digress. This is about the lawsuit that was filed by Samantha Markle against the Duchess of Sussex. And you know what? Before I get into the lawsuit, I can't help wondering why doesn't Meghan legally change her name? Why does she continue to use her biological father's name? People can change their Names. She doesn't even have to take her husband's name - Montbatten-Windsor. I like that a lot. Meghan Mountbatten Windsor. But she probably fears public backlash if she takes her husband's name. And his last name isn't even real. He was never Harry Mountbatten Windsor. Maybe Harry Windsor. Or, I think, at one point Harry Wales. But never Harry Mountbatten-Windsor. And if god forbid, they decide to go their separate ways, she will have to come up with a new name all over again. So she should probably not take Harry's name. But she absolutely needs to remove Markle from her legal name. Maybe Meghan Ragland? The haters will have a field day with this one. Well, she can just choose any name. She can change even Meghan and go by her first given name Rachel. She can name herself Rachel Post, for example. And she can just disappear from their lives and live off-grid for the next decade. She and Harry can downsize so that their money does not run out. And just go someplace quiet and live in peace. Why can't they do it? I would do it. I would get out of this toxic, cesspool, hell. 


But I digress. This is about the lawsuit filed by Samantha Markle against the Duchess of Sussex. Who needs enemies when you have people like this in your life calling themselves your "sister"? OMG, what a nightmare!  Poor Meghan.  So this person who calls herself Meghan's sister files this lawsuit down in Florida, I believe. I am not sure of the venue. But I think it is in Florida. And so she files this suit claiming that Meghan defamed her. Rather than immediately tossing out this baseless case, the Florida judge let this woman proceed to the next step. So now she is seeking to drag a lot of people into her case including Oprah, Prince Harry, Doria Ragland, Omid Scobie and a whole bunch of people. She wants them to sit for a deposition. Most of these people don't live in Florida so they either have to pay money to go there, or risk a subpoena which would mean that they could be in contempt of court if they do not comply.

According to  Hello Magazine, Meghan is trying to get this woman's tentacles off of her husband. This woman intends to meet Harry in person one way or another and so this deposition is the way she gets to do this. Meghan has moved to stay these depositions but this is in Florida so I think Meghan is screwed. 

The Courts down there and the politics down there is very scary.  Either that or Meghan's lawyers are not very good. Because how does this case get this far? Who are the lawyers representing Meghan in this case and how do they allow this case to reach this point? It is beyond me because I don't see how this woman can bring a credible defamation case on these facts as presented. This woman has even amended her complaint, according to the media reports I have read. The amendment claims that Meghan hung up on her in 2018 when Meghan was in Canada with her mother and Prince Harry. 

For the life of me, I do not understand how this fits in with DEFAMATION. Someone can school me on this if necessary but what does hanging up on someone have to do with defaming someone? As for the original complaint, Samanthat apparently claims that Meghan's behavior and words in the press has caused her emotional distress and exacerbated her health conditions. (Samantha is in a wheelchair due to some kind of illness like sclerosis or something of that nature) Apparently, Meghan is the reason this is all happening. According to

"As was the case in her original complaint, Samantha accused Meghan of defaming her both in her interview with Oprah Winfrey and in "Finding Freedom." In the complaint, Samantha said that in the interview with Winfrey, Meghan "stated she was 'an only child,' who only met Mrs. Markle 'a handful of times,' and that Mrs. Markle only changed her surname to 'Markle' after the Duchess married Prince Harry. When contacted by Insider for this story, legal representatives for Samantha said that her issues with Meghan have "exacerbated" Samantha's multiple sclerosis "due to the emotional distress" of the situation."

I think I have already put this "only child" argument to bed in less than 50 seconds in this post: Yes, Meghan Markle is the "Only Child" of Doria Ragland. ( If Meghan's lawyers cannot win on this point then she needs to fucking fire them all immediately and hire me.  Because this is a non-issue. She is her mother's only child. This is fact! The mere fact I am even having to say it is nuts.  This whole situation is NUTS.

It appears that Meghan is in a one-of-a-kind situation in her family and that could be at the root of the resentment she seems to attract. She wanted more for herself than her family could model for her, so she went out into the world and found the situation, circumstances, and people she needed to live out her version of herself. She wanted to be more than she was born into. Some people call that "social climbing" and other people call that "ambition." But she clearly is self-made. People in her family have not exactly been UN Ambassadors and successful actresses and now, a royal Duchess. She is self-made. And this has led to great, great jealousies in her circles. No one envisioned that she would become what she did. Because, for one thing, that "black" mother automatically made her less than all the rest. And as it turns out, she outshined them. She will never be forgiven for that. 

But I digress. The idea that this woman, Meghan's father's daughter would be allowed to drag all these people like Oprah and Prince Harry into court like this and take up all these resources without consequences is just insane. If she wins this, I give up on American justice. If she loses this, are they going to recoup their costs and attorneys fees? I mean, does she just walk away and not bear any consequences for this? 

This is beyond insane. The fact that the judges in Florida have allowed this to go on is really shocking. But again, this is Florida. Ron Desantis is the governor of this state. 

image credit flickr creative commons

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