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What if Meghan and Harry Were to Get a Divorce: Shock, Horror What Would That Look Like?

COULD MEGHAN AND HARRY EVER GET A DIVORCE?  None of Meghan and Harry's fans want to even think about "divorce" when it comes to this dynamic duo that is Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan. It is #meghanandharryforever for those of us who love this couple! But we would be remiss if we just ignored this issue of divorce because it happens to the best of us. Both Harry and Meghan come from broken homes where their parents divorced. From the looks of things, we can all hope that Harry and Meghan will be married forever. This is Harry's first marriage and Meghan's second marriage and she has hopefully learned a few things from her first divorce. Meghan clearly does not put up with nonsense. From ANYBODY. It does not matter how fabulous the other person thinks they are. She is already on record as saying that "I am not defined by my relationship." She has also said that Harry is "lucky" to be married to her. This woman knows her worth. And if the situat

Does Harry Regret Marrying Meghan? Or Is it Meghan Who Regrets Marrying Harry?

 Do the Sussexes "Regret" Getting Married to Each Other? The other day, I was scrolling through Quora and came across this question: DO YOU THINK PRINCE HARRY REGRETS MARRYING MEGHAN MARKLE? It was very eye-opening for me, especially after I read some of the responses.  One of them read in part: "WOW what an actress! she sure missed her calling!!! All I can say is…Lady leave Harry and the kids, let them go back to his family and you go on your little merry way back to Hollywood, you homewrecker golddigger! 🤮 you make me sick. You and Oprah are so phony " I thought, "wow, d id I not write this post just a couple of weeks ago?" So, it  is not that I did not suspect this was the intention.  I am sadly not wrong about the intentions of a lot of these malicious people.  I am not wrong in thinking that Meghan and Harry's marriage could be at risk.   This is why I have insisted so earnestly, that Meghan pay extra attention to nurturing her marriage and her h

Why Meghan and Harry Should Never Renew Their Vows

  Is it bad luck to renew one's wedding vows? It will be for Harry and Meghan Well, let me be more precise with this one: if Meghan and Harry ever feel like they want to renew their vows, I think they should do it very, very, privately where it is just them and the witness who knows about it. And if possible, they should not even have a witness. Unless maybe the Duchess' mother Doria can do it. Why do I say that? Well, fundamentally, as a former divorce lawyer, I can tell you that a lot of people renew their vows right before they contact the divorce attorney. It is a very weird phenomenon and I have concluded that renewing vows is bad luck. Especially if it is publicly divulged. Just like Meghan and Harry had their secret ceremony with the Archbishop of Canterbury, if they ever feel like they need to renew their vows, they should do it in secret. It should be just between them, as they stare into each other's eyes, and hold each other's hands. No one else should be pr

First Kick Her Out of the Palace, Then Out of England, Then Take Her Titles, Then Take Harry - in That Order.

 This attack on Meghan has been orchestrated and planned by powerful people and will not stop till Harry divorces her Do Harry and Meghan Need the Headaches of Royal Titles? ( It just came to me in an epiphany. Meghan should not voluntarily give up her titles because she would be falling right into the trap laid for her by her enemies. This is all a planned initiative to undo the marriage between Meghan and Harry and get Meghan out of the royal family. She was never accepted. Not in a true, genuine, and deep way. There was a superficial appearance of acceptance but the speed with which that became unglued speaks volumes.  They barely gave her one chance, never mind the thousands of chances you give to someone you love.  The first thing they did was get her out of Kensington Palace. They spread rumors about her to the press and they harassed her, and they made her feel unwelcome and drove her to the edge of suicide. So she ran for her life, and she an

Open letter to Meghan Markle About Her Kids

Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet's Mom and Dad Dear Meghan  Meghan, if you're reading, hold on to Harry no matter what. Of course, marriage is not a cakewalk and your marriage to Harry has been set up to fail. People want it to fail. From the beginning, they have been trying to separate him from you. Maliciously. They want to divide and conquer. You cannot let that happen because if you do, you will regret it. There is some hater out there right now who will step in and steal your husband and try to be this "stepmom" to your children and a half of the world's population will think this is entertainment. And not all stepmoms are bad, that is not the point Meghan. The point is that you are in an atypical situation and you have to watch your back with this. Pay attention to your marriage. Make sure your husband knows he is not only loved but he is needed. Do not let these haters convince you that needing your husband is a bad thing. That is what husbands are for. T

Could the Duchess' Ambition and Push for "Gender Equality" Affect her Marriage to Harry Duke of Sussex?

Meghan May be Making a Typical Feminist-Wife Mistake With Harry!   Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is ambitious. Unapologetically. As a girl, I admire her for that. I wish I could be more like her in many ways. But I do wonder how all this gender equality and ambition talk translates in her marriage behind closed doors.   The thing is, Meghan is a female human living in a situation that has been constructed for millennia. In this construct, men have always ruled.  There are exceptions, but for most scenarios, men have always been in charge of the power structures in every society. They call this "manhood." This is a very real phenomenon! It is wired in, Meghan! It is not their fault! It is never going to change! Listen to me my little sister: In a marriage,  (by the way, I have never been married so take this with a grain of salt, if at all)  women have always sought "equality" and some men have said they are open to the notion. The thing I worry about is that while men h

Do Harry and Meghan Compete With Each Other?

  Will the Sussexes Begin to Compete With Each Other? Harry and Meghan are two very high-profile people and they are what everybody is talking about right now. They are the hot couple, or the hottest couple not only in Hollywood but also in the British Royal Family. They dominate the conversation on both coasts, let's face it.  They are equally exciting and interesting, and they are equally sought after. This is great, but it could also become problematic if they are not careful. Blame the divorce lawyer in me for being so cautious. But I have seen where couples blow up because both of them got into competition with each other. The complication here is that Meghan is a strong woman and she was destined for stardom, and she wants her stardom. Harry has always been the star. He was born into it. He did not have to work for it or suffer for it. And he expects it to continue. It is just in his blood at this point. With each rise of Meghan's stardom, Harry could feel increasingly th

Meghan and Harry's Marriage is at Risk

Harry and Meghan are having a tough time in their marriage right now because they are going through a lot. Since they got married, it has been hard for them to find a little bit of peace and a little reprieve. Even after fleeing Kensington Palace, then Frogmore Cottage and then the house in Canada, and then Tyler Perry's house in Beverly Hills to their abode in Montecito , it is hard for the Sussexes to find true peace.  Why? Because people will not leave them alone to let them live their lives. Well, not people. I should say demons. Only demons would be this unstopping and heartless as to harass two people simply because they chose each other as husband and wife. The Sussexes are strong but they are not stone. They need help to maneuver all this stress and maintain the health and integrity of their marital union. Meghan gets the brunt of the hate but Harry is not immune. He blames himself for getting Meghan into this situation. He should have thought this all the way through and

Meghan Duchess of Sussex Always Hits Her Targets

#meghanshusband Did the Duchess of Sussex "Target" Prince Harry?   Meghan the Duchess of Sussex is a winner. She usually gets what she wants. Some people condemn her for this. They say she is "pushy" and they say she "targets" men and they say she is a narcissist who only thinks of herself.  These are not surprising adjectives for a woman like Meghan Duchess of Sussex. She appears to have a strategy for her life, she sets targets and goals, and she goes after her targets with gusto. She probably would be a little bit less successful if she did not set targets and goals, and this might make her more likable and less threatening to her critics. But why would she underperform on purpose to make her enemies happy? One media Youtuber who shall remain nameless had the biggest hissy fit the other day because she claims that Meghan "targeted" Harry and then got him to marry her. This person seems to know very little about men. A woman cannot get a man to

Harry and Meghan Have Created Their Own Alternate Universe Where He is King and She is Queen Consort

King Harry and Queen Meghan  The beautiful thing about having your own home that you pay for with your own money is that you can be King and Queen of your own castle. This is exactly what Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, did in Montecito. They have created their own alternative universe. Now, those journalists in Australia and Piers Morgan over there in England would turn that into a negative if they ever heard me say it. That Harry and Meghan have their own alternative universe. But that does not have to be a bad thing. Sometimes, you just need to create your own situation because everything else around you is so toxic.  King Harry and Queen Meghan. I love the sound of this. King Harry and Meghan, Queen consort....not so sure... What the hell does this word mean anyways? "Consort"? What does this mean? It sounds kind of concubinish. Camilla, Queen Consort.  It's like short for "consortium" which means "sex" doesn't it? So she is Queen w