I woke up this morning thinking about Harry and Meghan and I wondered to myself, "are they happy"? And the answer that came back to me is "would you be in this situation?" I pondered that for a long while. Would I be happy in their place? I tell you what, I am a sensitive human. I probably would feel hurt by a lot of what has been going on with Meghan and Harry if I were in their shoes. On the one hand, they are two people who love each other. And I have always heard that love conquers all. Meghan has said, "love wins." At the end of the day, I believe that to be true. Love is very complex while at the same time, it is very simple. Love does not necessarily mean that you are happy with the person all the time or that you are happy every day of your life with the person. Love suffers a lot. Love cries a lot. Love shouts and screams, and has a few too many glasses of wine sometimes. Love hates. You can love someone and hate them at the same time. Which i...
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