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Showing posts from September, 2022

Are Meghan and Harry Happy?

  I woke up this morning thinking about Harry and Meghan and I wondered to myself, "are they happy"? And the answer that came back to me is "would you be in this situation?" I pondered that for a long while. Would I be happy in their place? I tell you what, I am a sensitive human. I probably would feel hurt by a lot of what has been going on with Meghan and Harry if I were in their shoes.  On the one hand, they are two people who love each other. And I have always heard that love conquers all. Meghan has said, "love wins." At the end of the day, I believe that to be true. Love is very complex while at the same time, it is very simple. Love does not necessarily mean that you are happy with the person all the time or that you are happy every day of your life with the person. Love suffers a lot.  Love cries a lot. Love shouts and screams, and has a few too many glasses of wine sometimes. Love hates. You can love someone and hate them at the same time. Which i...

Meghan Duchess of Sussex to Return to London to Accept an Award From GQ in November

 GQ is Set to Honor Meghan Duchess of Sussex in London for her Charity Work  Will Meghan and Harry make that 8-hour trek to London this November to collect an award from GQ Magazine? Time will tell. It is a bit soon after the Queen's death and they are probably tired from everything that they have going on at the moment. It is a lot. And they have two children to mind. But it might be a good idea for them to spend two or three weeks in England with the children and for the children to spend some time with their young cousins, Louis, Charlotte and George. Kate and Meghan are both good moms and they should both work on creating a relationship between those children.  Sure, we have our issues with how Kate and William treated Meghan; and Diana is literally rolling over in her grave to see how her eldest son left his little brother to rot in the firestorm that ensued when he announced his choice of wife. She is not at all happy about it. But I can hear her spiritual whispers...

Harry and Meghan to Buy Vineyard in Napa Valley and Make Wine Under Their Own Label, Sentebale

Carbernet Sauvignon. Merlot. Pinot Noir. Tuscan olive oil. What are the Duke and Duchess up to next?? (This post has a recent update here. ) These two are a total soap opera! Apparently and according to well-placed sources, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are actively searching for a vineyard in Napa Valley and Sonoma Valley California. The couple is looking to own the vineyard outright, or co-own the vineyard with an already existing winery in the region because they want to make an AVA (American Viticulture Area) wine. Meghan who is an avid cook is also said to be keen on finding a vineyard that also has olive groves (Tuscan olives) as she would like to produce olive oil in addition to wine. Can you believe it?? So cool. Our sources tell us that the royal couple is looking to create an American equivalent of what Brad Pitt has done with Chateau Miraval in the South of France. The vineyard, as noted, may be co-branded with something that is already in pro...

Open letter to Meghan Markle About Her Kids

Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet's Mom and Dad Dear Meghan  Meghan, if you're reading, hold on to Harry no matter what. Of course, marriage is not a cakewalk and your marriage to Harry has been set up to fail. People want it to fail. From the beginning, they have been trying to separate him from you. Maliciously. They want to divide and conquer. You cannot let that happen because if you do, you will regret it. There is some hater out there right now who will step in and steal your husband and try to be this "stepmom" to your children and a half of the world's population will think this is entertainment. And not all stepmoms are bad, that is not the point Meghan. The point is that you are in an atypical situation and you have to watch your back with this. Pay attention to your marriage. Make sure your husband knows he is not only loved but he is needed. Do not let these haters convince you that needing your husband is a bad thing. That is what husbands are for. T...

Piers Morgan was hurt when Meghan didn't return his texts after she met Harry: he became FURIOUS

When Piers Morgan met Meghan Markle about 5 years ago, it was at a pub reportedly, in London. He was a big-shot journalist in London, and she was an up-and-coming actress on a popular TV show called Suits.  At that point, his celebrity was much bigger than hers so his agreeing to meet her for drinks at a pub was a BIG deal for her. He saw it as giving her the time of day, just to see what was what with the TV star from America. So they met. And she was cute. Really cute. Maybe not the cutest chick he had ever met in his entire life, but a chick that was cute enough, it gave him ideas. So he is sitting there, and the ideas are click-clacking in his giant head two million miles a minute. These ideas probably made Jesus blush. Because it is sure that he was not thinking about how he can get her a job at his network, or how he can help her get a part on a show or anything like that.  I mean think about it. By all appearances, this is a red-blooded heterosexual man in his fifties a...

Meghan as a Mom: Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet Adore Their Mom

 Life in Montecito California is very idyllic for Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, and her husband, Harry Duke of Sussex and their two children Archie and Lilibet. The couple and their brood live in a palatial chateau with impressive parklike gardens that include an extensive play area for their kids. Both parents spend a lot of time outdoors with their children in the gardens. They also have a little "farm" area where the children help raise chickens.  Meghan and Harry's children are very happy. They are growing up in a healthy, wealthy environment. According to a recent article in the Cut, when you walk into their home, you can feel the wealth. People like Piers Morgan would like you to hate the Duchess for living in a nice home in Montecito. But if someone gave him one of those homes, he and his wife would trip over themselves to own it. People are sometimes jealous of people with wealth. I am not going to lie, I sometimes get jealous too. Because nobody who is rich ever say...

Meghan has to get used to keeping her cool while a lot of NASTY books and articles are being written about her

On those people who make these nasty videos and write these nasty articles, books and blog posts about Meghan Who can take this much pus being squirted into their peripheral vision? Nobody. But when you are Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, you better learn how to dart out of the way and let the pus ricochet back to the squirter. These people squirt their pus in all these books and articles trying to filth up the Duchess with their naturally-occurring internal pus. They are filled with pus. It's amazing how pus-filled they are. You have people all over the stratosphere "pussing" on this poor child, for no reason other than she got married. A lot of them have married themselves. Some settled, some married up. But they are hitched to somebody, yet they begrudge Meghan her husband. They throw and squirt pus hoping he will leave her. I can't sit here and profess to know the Duke of Sussex very well. So far, he gets an A+ for being an officer and a gentleman and a prince and a du...

Meghan Refused to be Treated Like a "Black Woman" in Kensington Palace So They Dubbed Her a Bully and set out to teach her a lesson

  DON'T YOU DARE GIVE MEGHAN THE BLACK WOMAN TREATMENT! Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is her father's daughter and the problem with that is that she does not take shit from anybody. It doesn't even matter who it heck it is. We are not Thomas Markle fans over here but one thing we can honestly say about him is that he does not take shit and he does not give a shit.  Unfortunately for Meghan, she has his genetics in her blood and so there are things about him that will be found in her. It is biology. So take this situation at Kensington Palace where the courtiers were reportedly terrified of Meghan. They have come out with a book that basically trashes Meghan and calls her a "bully." Meghan, as we have noted, is 113 pounds. She does yoga every day at 5:00. When she lived at Kensington Palace, they claim she would get up at 5:00, do her yoga, then start sending emails to her staff for stuff she wanted to be done. This left her staff shaking and petrified that they actua...

Could Camilla Be Instigating Friction Between King Charles III and His Son Harry Duke of Sussex?

 Queen Consort Camilla Does Not Like Harry and Meghan according to rumors. Could she be instigating trouble between her husband his second son?  This is a tough one to prove. Nobody knows what goes on at night when Camilla and King Charles III put their heads on adjoining pillows. The pillow talk is undoubtedly epic and probably has always been. Can you imagine the pillow talk they used to have in the old days when Diana was his wife and they were conducting their extramarital affair at his place in Highgrove? One blushes to imagine. These days, Diana is long dead and forever out of the picture as far as Camilla is concerned. She has won it all, except, of course, for Harry's love. According to some insiders in the palace (giggles) there is no love lost between Camilla and Harry. When he was younger, it was different, because he did not fully understand what Camilla and Charles did to his mother. But once he grew up and really got the gist of it, he became more and more resent...

Harry and Meghan Have Created Their Own Alternate Universe Where He is King and She is Queen Consort

King Harry and Queen Meghan  The beautiful thing about having your own home that you pay for with your own money is that you can be King and Queen of your own castle. This is exactly what Prince Harry and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, did in Montecito. They have created their own alternative universe. Now, those journalists in Australia and Piers Morgan over there in England would turn that into a negative if they ever heard me say it. That Harry and Meghan have their own alternative universe. But that does not have to be a bad thing. Sometimes, you just need to create your own situation because everything else around you is so toxic.  King Harry and Queen Meghan. I love the sound of this. King Harry and Meghan, Queen consort....not so sure... What the hell does this word mean anyways? "Consort"? What does this mean? It sounds kind of concubinish. Camilla, Queen Consort.  It's like short for "consortium" which means "sex" doesn't it? So she is Queen w...

Are Titles for Archie Harrison and Lilibet Diana at Risk Now that the Danish Queen Margrethe Has Stripped her Grandchildren of their titles?

News just erupted that Queen Margrethe of Denmark has done something shady with her grandchildren's royal titles. Now, in addition to worrying that the British people are going to blame them for the financial fiasco caused by Prime Minister Liz Truss and her Chancellor Kwasi Karteng, Meghan and Harry have to worry about Margrethomics as well which means their kids won't have an inheritance. Trussonomics and now Margrethomics....For the love of God. So granny Margie over in Denmark just got up one morning and decided that her 4 grandchildren who had all been Princess and Princes since birth, would now be counts and countesses. Like, wtf? It is even crazier than Charles III waking up and deciding that William and Kate would have 3 titles instead of one title overnight. They went from the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge to the Prince and Princess of Wales as well as the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall. So now they are thoroughly confused about what to call themselves. The grandchildren...

How Does Meghan and Harry Impact the British Financial Markets? Is it their fault that the Pound has tumbled to a 37-year Low?

 The British pound has tumbled to a 37 year low and some fear that the entire British economy is in free fall. Others would like to pin the blame of Meghan.  Giggles....sometimes I just crack myself up. 😊 This is not Meghan's fault. To be clear, there is a lot of karma that England owes itself, the commonwealth, and the world and a lot of it is financial in nature. But to try to blame Meghan and Harry is just outrageous. The truth is, Meghan and Harry have been treated horribly by the British Press and many in the British populous, and this could be a mistake because when the world watches what Brits are really like, and how unforgiving some of them are, there is that X factor that kicks in. And bad things start to happen. There are other forces in our world than just what we can see. It is quite possible that those forces are fed up with the Brits. First, it was Brexit. Why in god's name did they do that? Now, it is the death of Queen Elizabeth and a King who has a consort w...

Meghan Markle's Next Guest on her Archetype Podcast: BEYONCE!

 The other day, a couple of Aussie newscasters were poking fun of the Duchess of Sussex. This was not unusual as they are absolutely obsessed with the Duchess over there. You have to wonder if their economy is okay, and the aborigines are okay and if there are no fires for these folks to focus upon. Because all they do is talk about Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. But one interesting thing they brought up was Beyonce. Apparently, according to them, Meghan had told someone in that dreadful palace (poor Cinderella!) that she wanted to be the "Beyonce of the UK." And this one commenter quipped that Beyonce and Meghan could talk about "Crazy in Love" one of Beyoncé's songs. And they had a good laugh about it, those effing clowns. But on second thought, they could be on to something. Meghan and Beyoncé met once at the palace and so they do know each other. They are obviously from very different worlds. Beyonce was born in Texas. Meghan was born in California. Beyonce is a...

What Really Happened Between Meghan and her Father Thomas Markle?

 Was it Money that got between Meghan, Duchess of Sussex and her father, Thomas Markle? No one seems to know for sure because the Duchess of Sussex has yet to write her memoirs or do a sit-down interview where she really tells all. But if one could surmise a probable reason for the breakdown in that father/daughter relationship, one would surmise that it all came down to money. Here is how we think it went down: Thomas Markle is a proud, hardworking man who had three children. His last daughter, Meghan Duchess of Sussex was by far the most successful financially. Of his three children, she chose a career in show biz where Mr. Markle had worked for years as a lighting director on top TV shows and a couple of soap operas. Indeed, it was on the set of one of these soap operas, General Hospital, that a young Meghan made her acting début. By all accounts, Thomas was a father who, at a minimum, provided financial support to his children, including Meghan. He provided food, clothing, tuit...

Is Kate Middleton Jealous of Meghan, Duchess of Sussex?

Is Kate Middleton jealous of Meghan Markle or is Meghan Markle jealous of Kate Middleton? Or are they jealous of each other?  Jealousy is a very strong word. And it is also misused often. Clearly, Kate Middleton aka the Princes of Wales as well as the Duchess of Cornwall and Cambridge is NOT jealous of Meghan Markle because it would imply that she believes Meghan is her "rival." Kate does not view Meghan as a romantic rival and Meghan does not view Kate as a romantic rival.  Usually, but not always, this "rivalry" involves a clash of romantic interests between three people.  It is impossible for Kate Middleton to be romantically jealous of Meghan Markle because the two women are not in competition for the same man. William, Prince of Wales is not interested in Meghan Markle and Meghan Markle is not interested in William Prince of Wales, so there is no threat to Kate Middleton from a romantic sense, so it is clear that she is not jealous of Meghan Markle in a romanti...

The Magic of Meghan Markle: Why the Duchess of Sussex is the LUCKIEST Girl Alive

The Princess and Duchess of Sussex is so LUCKY! Princess Harry of Wales is Forever Young There is something altogether magical, mysterious, and magnificent about Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. And from the looks of it, she has always possessed these qualities. Even though this statement might seem counter-intuitive to some, we believe that Meghan, Duchess of Sussex is the luckiest girl alive. Here she is, being born of humble parentage only to ascend to the closest proximity of the seat of royal and constitutional power in what was once the greatest empire on Earth--the United Kingdom. It is such a radical departure from norms that have existed for millennia, that the entire royal court (and perhaps the British government) have called for a time out.  How does a person do this if not for magic or some kind of divine provenance? The entire British state (population, government and Monarchy) has taken an "all hands on deck" approach to rectify what must seem to them as utter insani...

Courtiers: The Hidden Power Behind the Crown

 In this book, it is alleged that this 5' 6'  and 113 pound-yoga practicing woman from California named Meghan, Duchess of Sussex "bullied" the courtiers who describe themselves as the "hidden power behind the crown" and left them "petrified" and "broken" and running from their jobs. Emphasis again on "hidden power". We are talking about a powerful empire here. We know what that empire is capable of.  The authors of this book are the HIDDEN POWER behind this EMPIRE and they want us to believe that a 113 pound female with black ancestors left them "scared" and "broken"? Ok. I believe them. No wonder the Empire didn't last!😂 Next:  Advisors for Meghan and Harry : Meghan Refused to be Treated Like a "Black Woman" in Kensington Palace So They Dubbed Her a Bully and set out to teach her a lesson ( After:  A New Book by a Royal Courtier Accuses Meghan of Asking to...

Meghan did NOT bully palace courtiers. Should She sue Buckingham Palace and the Authors for Defamation?

  No. She should not. They will get away with this one because she was technically the "boss" in this situation. It will be difficult to disprove these lies. Certainly against the palace courtiers. If she sues the monarchy, that will just add to the animus in the family and this is not desirable.  Every dog has their day.  Meghan just has to take a deep breath, let them sell their books, and wait. image from flickr creative commons

Has Harry Asked to Edit His Hotly Anticipated Book?

 Harry's memoirs are coming out at the end of this year and it will be a blockbuster. He has reportedly been paid $20 million dollars in advance (wow!) and there is an additional $18 million on the back end still to come in! Jeeze. Must be nice being royal!  But in light of the death of his beloved grandmother Queen Elizabeth, the rumor mills are going absolutely berserk with juicy gossip about the fact that Harry has contacted his publishers in a desperate attempt to edit the book, which he now reportedly thinks is too harsh and perhaps a bit insensitive now that his grandmother has died. The book is going to sell like hotcakes but one does have to worry a little bit about what is in it. Indeed, if everything is true, then what is the big deal? Why change the truth and rewrite it to save people's feelings? Just this week palace courtiers published a book that made unsavory claims against Harry's wife, Meghan Duchess of Sussex. They called her a bully who left a group of gr...