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The "Heir and the Spare" is a Toxic Sibling Dynamic. How Sick and Oblivious Can Parents Be?

 Parents Need to do a Better Job of Protecting Kids From Toxic Sibling Dynamics That the British royal family still practices this "heir and spare" religion is beyond the pale. How can people in this day and age encourage this kind of toxic relationship between their children and then turn around and get upset when the children are not happy?  How oblivious do you have to be to see that this dynamic is toxic and not in the best interest of your children? How dysfunctional do you have to be? Sure the public loves it because the whole thing is theatre to them. It is not their life. What the hell do they care how the spare feels? The "Spare" is not even a person to them. He or she is an idea, and object of their gaping and ridicule and amusement. What the hell do they care? But you would expect parents to care and you would expect in 2022 that they would put a stop to this nonsense. The whole entire premise upon which the monarchy is based is archaic and toxic and not

Dear Meghan and Harry: At the End of a Storm is a Golden Sky...

  Dear Meghan and Harry, I know you have been in a storm for years now. Did you anticipate it? Nothing like a bad storm that takes you by surprise to warp you for life. But if you anticipate it, you can plan for it, and you can get through it, almost unscathed, and then, there will be this big, beautiful, golden sky with a rainbow attached waiting for you.  The key is to survive the storm. Not everyone does. What can you do to make sure you survive? Well, respect that storm for what it is, find something to hang on to, and hold fast. Sincerely, Your friend from 10,000 miles away. image credit flickr creative commons SUBSCRIBE TO OUR YOUTUBE CHANNEL!

Do Harry and Meghan Need the Headaches of Royal Titles?

 Harry and Meghan have been absolutely besieged about the titles they were gifted by the late Queen Elizabeth. The media has been absolutely relentless. My big thing is that they don't need those titles to succeed and thrive. They can still live rewarding, fulfilled, and happy lives and raise well-adjusted children without being called "Duke and Duchess".  On the one hand, I am loathed to advise giving in to these people. I want to say hold on to the titles just to make them nuts. And maybe this is the right move because backing down all the time just makes you a victim. But on the other hand, the titles are nothing. It's all semantics, optics, and puffery. It blows like the wind and can change at any minute.  The thing is, millions of people in the world do not have titles, and they are perfectly fine. Jeff Bezos and Bill Gates and Gwyneth Paltrow and Jennifer Lopez don't have "titles."  So what? Titles make them superior? Is that it? It just seems such

Duchess Meghan Talks About the "Good Wife" and the "Good Mom" Stereotypes

  What is a good wife? What is a good mom? A lot of married women and mothers feel a lot of guilt and angst about their roles as wives and mothers. The Duchess of Sussex is no different. On her podcast Archetypes, she discusses the challenges many women face in these roles, and to some extent, her own personal challenges. And she shared a little bit about a typical day in her life , which was really cool. She describes it as a whirlwind, and it sounded a little bit more frantic than I had imagined when I wrote the post linked above. Because I never even took into account her four dogs! In the podcast, the Duchess discusses how helpful her husband the Duke of Sussex is, in helping her with the morning frenzy and taking care of the kids. The way she says "my husband" is so adorable. You can tell how much she loves and respects this man. Some women have criticized her for always referring to her mate in this way, as "my husband." I think it is very beautiful. Harry als

Meghan and Harry Need to do what makes THEM Happy and Ignore the Critics COMPLETELY

 IGNORE THE CRITICS HARRY AND MEGHAN: DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY!!! A wise man says that opinions are like buttholes. Everyone has one. This is so true. And when it comes to Meghan and Harry's critics and trolls, it is almost as if they each have multiple buttholes that spew nothing but toxic waste into the stratosphere. How indelicate, I know. 😄😄😄 But it is what it is, isn't it?  A very indelicate state of affairs. What I have personally noticed is that Harry and Meghan can do NOTHING right where their critics are concerned. No matter which way they lean, they are wrong. So they take a private jet, they are hypocrites who talk about the environment and then pollute the environment. They fly commercial, they are slumming at the back of the plane near the toilets. They live on the taxpayer's dime at Frogmore cottage, they are grifters who are living on the taxpayer's dime. They leave Frogmore cottage and go off seeking financial independence, they are traitors who are ma

Do Meghan and Harry Feel "Lucky" or "Unlucky"?

20 Reasons that Meghan and Harry are Lucky  Meghan and Harry have been through a lot since they got married to each other. I would not be shocked if they feel they have had a lot of "bad luck." I mean, what did not go wrong? Kate made her cry and everybody blamed Meghan for making Kate cry. The courtiers made Meghan feel less than welcome to the point that she fled England. Trolls continue to attack her online because of her race and other things. She and Harry fell into their hands with the Oprah interview (which the trolls use as an excuse for their hate, even though they hated her before she did the interview and the interview was done to explain to them why they should not hate her.) They flew to Canada and the Canadians complained about paying for their security. Then they bought a beautiful house and the pipes don't work. And of course, the miscarriage. And the situation with her father. And Harry's situation with his father. And the Queen. And all the rest of i

Should Meghan Settle the lawsuit with Samantha Markle?

  No, Meghan Should Not Settle the Lawsuit that Samantha Markle Brought Against her for Defamation Why not? It would set the wrong precedent. Look, generally, I don't believe that lawsuits brought in bad faith should be settled. I am of the school of thought that most cases should settle if they can, and statistics show that 97 percent of cases settle before a judge decides who wins. But in this case, Duchess Meghan should absolutely call Samantha Markle's bluff. And she should ask the court to have Samantha pay for costs and attorneys fees. Do I think this lawsuit was filed in bad faith? You know what, that is not even relevant. Whatever faith it was brought in, good or bad, I think it would be a mistake on Duchess Meghan's part to settle this case because it could open up a floodgate of litigants against her, and it could also inspire Samantha Markle and others in her family to keep Duchess Meghan locked up in court proceedings for one thing or the next, till the end of t